Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Rubber Band Ligation Recovery

Interview with Honest ... The

That is what most average man, at least as he defines it. Unfortunately, this interview took place via email, so I did not have time to explain exactly what I meant with any questions. The sense of themselves, however, he is not missed (and imagine ...), so good reading, and thanks honest!

Honest-Well, first of all, tell the average man ..
-Gran ugly beast! I must admit that shares suffered from difficult questions, but then as you might otherwise keep our humanity '? We are a bit 'all average men, in the sense that we are part of that statistical sample that is shaping our society. We are selfish with ourselves, generous with the devil.

-The presence of a God do you worry?
Why young? Our presence may disturb God? the idea of \u200b\u200ban entity such as a higher God, the gods, karma, the pussy itself as the customs of rationality came at the far edge of the explainable rational even the average man, even the baker comes to wonder "what the fuck alive to do? ". Unfortunately, science can not (at least I think) to answer this question: we are dust and dust you shall return, unless it is treated as a demand response to atavism, I think that 99% of people welcomed him with a terse "but you're out." To stick to the question, I personally am indifferent to the possible presence of a God and so this does not worry me, but Explanation: but God's purpose would have had in creating us? To be worship? because to me it looks like in all religions, this is precisely the key point: the worship, do not give any of the dogmas of faith, transucammazione, the Council of Nicea, the important thing is to believe in God, "God is with us "The Nazis had written on the buckle of the belt, no matter if the devil would not like these fucking worshipers! God could not have created us with inherent the dogma of belief? What can I do if so much of free will then be judged without appeal? "Just follow the rules of the holy book" I already feel challenging, but dear caller, referring to the Bible, how can a text written by persons unknown, updated every few years to adapt to the times, made in its most 'modern by an empire Roman decided to accept as part of text only 4 of the 30 gospels that were circulating at the time, they can erect a moral institution of a certain religion in the third millennium?

-Do you believe in socialism?
start first of all on what socialism means: I take inspiration from the Wikipedia [...] Socialism is opposed to liberalism initially classical liberalism that postulate in economics, but asked the nationalization or socialization of all or part of the economy and the means of production. Challenges the idea of \u200b\u200bneutrality of state institutions than the class struggle and fighting for a change in the role of the state or even in the version advanced by Karl Marx and recovery from anarchism, to eliminate it .[...] Then the question arises: what does it mean to believe? I believe that socialism would "triumph"? I believe that society needs a change? I believe that socialism can be the change advocated for social justice? I think the world today is based on injustice and inequality and why do I want the "oppressed minority" or because I think it a mistake to think that ideally needs to be changed, the way to do this is probably the most interesting question, but here we end up on criminal ....
sure to read these:

-Do you think the revolution is a necessary step? And, more generally, how do you start from the violence?
If humanity in general 'or `people want to" grow "and I think it means' in the self-determination and freedom to do that, then it is necessary to setup a radical change of society: a Revolution indeed! In the current configuration of the democratic society where I / we live is a farce institutionalized democracy, such as socialism, has expressed in recent years its limits' strong: our life is dominated at every level of reality So that you are totally detached from the practices of real people, just think of the consumption of drugs such as marijuana or hashish even being consumed by a large proportion of the population are found to be prohibited as `civil society believes it to be harmful to quiet life, too bad no one is ever died from consuming THC (this is probably not happen unless making is never hit with a block of 50 kg of Afghan) While alcohol is sold very well without any problem because it now is in modern culture (perhaps because 'in Italy is full of vineyards, while Marijuana will grow very little in spite of the origin of the name "Canavese"). Unfortunately, this extends to all areas of life.

-Is it true that you're fat?
According to my scale it should be on trying to win opulence ...

-Exclude the presence of supernatural entities, even inorganic?
me how a supernatural entity could be organic? If you're referring to the soul of the dead or the like, I can only say that my soul would exclude from the scientist, However, I have often heard of incidents against the rational-thinking that they put me in doubt ... I have no proof that there is no say as a result does not exclude, inorganic or not ...

-Science, in your opinion, how far you can push?
say that I do not understand in what sense might lead you to explain herself (who knows `what do you think Goedel ...).

Palmas or the prefer-Canalis? Ù
treating them both as industrial products of sexual demagoguery, I can say I prefer more 'as the Palmas have remade the Breast 2x years means that it is just tr ...

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"The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today, in my opinion is the true source of evil. We see before us a huge community of producers, whose members strive unceasingly to deprive another of the fruits of their collective work, not by force but, overall, loyal complicity with the lawful order. "
A. Einstein