Thursday, November 23, 2006

Star Wars Pinewood Car

dreams of decadence.

deaths that speak to me, and not only that but they want to speak absolutely, completely healthy people and more or less young people aged and sick, or at least pleasant atmosphere of normal clogged with smoke and decay, where decay is taken to include structural. Symbols that persecute me, and remain imprinted in my mind, with their symmetries and asymmetries of power, voice-overs that sing truth knowable.
difficulty in maintaining clarity, even if you are aware.
All in a dream, of course.

I have not seen too many movies (or even less than average, at least I suppose).
not crazy in pathological (schizophrenia is under control, for the moment).
I'm not doing any kind of systematic use of drugs (but everything is a drug, like everything is art, if you look around at least a sufficiently large).

cultivate trance states naturally induced, but I do not think that these centers (at least not in a cause-effect relationship).

happen more than twice in the same place in the dream is already a scary thing, but if you add to this the fact that these dreams are nearly always aware, I start to worry. And if these dream visions are almost all, and I talk a good eighty percent, decaying cities and buildings, people who are dead or dying, friends or relatives aged horribly, I would say that we have not.

Two other details.
'm a sunny person, even if I love the autumn.
I do not believe in destiny and are not fatal, because eroding that fantastic definition that is so dear to me that freedom. The conclusions are

.. explore, even when the sleep tends to be a struggle. And try to remember, because even the lucid dreams tend to fade, with the sound of the alarm, maybe a little 'more slowly.


PS Thanks for this honest deserno ~ / scripts / diff_geom / diff_geom.pdf