Friday, January 19, 2007

Spaghetti Tastes Funny Roccaforte Cooking

My mother (from "the story of Luz")

After a long time, and events and agitated, finally threw in a piece of "history Luz, "I'm trying to write ..

decided to go out of town because I'd had more than my mother. Talented woman, but spirits evoked every two to three magical presence in the living room and dead animals hanging here and there I was, as you can tell, a bit 'broken my balls.
Sure you do so you stupid idea of \u200b\u200bmy mother as a witch from peanuts that practice rituals stupid and obvious, it seems very mainstream, almost ridiculous contention someone.
In reality, however, his whole philosophical system rests upon an assumption of unchanging and beautiful in her madness: she did not believe just anything.
Then, all was experienced.

In science, she did not believe.
In society, she did not believe.
In death, she did not believe.
superstition, she did not believe.
In religion, then, well I can tell you also avoid.

the experiment could only make her happy, and when he realized that everything would not have been able to experience in life (I wanted to see her struggling with genetic engineering) was shared with her as the all make choices, and his second principle (or the maximum freedom, what I would broadcast in the years) inevitably led her to seek those hidden streets where the man just can not pass, or so they say, either because they want to be winding to be taken to be more tight asshole of a chihuahua.

Ah yes, the principle of maximum freedom.

She was adamant that he had nothing of the rules, so everything was all set to the maximum freedom (words his). Totally disorganized, I would say. Chaotic, anarchic, someone else would say.
will try to explain more thoroughly, though it is very difficult to speak of the principle of freedom of my mother, perhaps not even she would be able, while it is much easier to put it into practice.
All that we can see is organized according to the rules, they are a game, or are the laws of society, or the laws of physics. Well, she lived under the firm conviction that those who play by the rules or what it does for its choice.
And his choice to lift ourselves out.
enough to want it.

The consequences are that: one, not There is nothing a priori impossible, two, do not believe anyone who will not tip in an observation on the absolute three, must always go in the direction of freedom, because the rules and do not falter sooner or later you have to be too attached to them, which most people do.

Also for the principle of freedom so she decided to devote himself to the testing of the most fascinating and esoteric fields of knowledge where he could make the most sensational and shocking discoveries.