Sunday, July 29, 2007

Taned Women Tan Lines

a. .. :)

A blonde San Dalmazio
when he sang, Mom, what torment!
And even those who wanted to encourage
ended then to say "leave me alone!"
that stonatissimo blonde San Dalmazio.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Clocktower Rockford Bus Tickets

A gentleman of Aosta
wanted to open an account Bancoposta
but the queue at the cash
came up to Massa,
that patience, that lord of Aosta!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

American Artw Commemorative Series Value

Gianni Rodari, not just a children's writer Edward Lear

An Italian website limerick would not be complete without a short biography of the man who was among the first to bring this little art in Italy: Gianni Rodari, one of the greatest Italian writers of the twentieth century and, as I say in the title, a writer for children ... but not only.

Gianni Rodari was born October 23, 1920 at Omegna on Lake Orta.
In 1936, only 16 years, put on show managed to get published eight stories about the Catholic weekly "youth action" and to begin a collaboration with "Light", directed by Monsignor Sonzini. At the age of 17 he received a teaching diploma.
very sensitive person, he had always been a great intellectual curiosity that led him to read at an early age the works of Nietzsche, Stirner, Schopenhauer, Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky. In 1939 he enrolled at the Catholic University of Milan, Faculty of languages, but left after a few tests.
In 1940 he began teaching in different countries of Varese and, in 1941 won the competition for teacher going to teach as a substitute Uboldo. After the fall of fascism
Rodari approached the Communist Party, which he joined in 1944.
After the war he was appointed director of the newspaper "New Order" and in 1947, the 'unit "to Milan, where he began his career as the first reporter, chief reporter and later as special envoy. It was while working as a journalist who almost accidentally began to write children's stories.
In 1950 the party called him to Rome to direct the children's weekly, the "Pioneer". He took this job as a mission, he made available and from there gained much of his fortune. In those years he published "The book of nursery rhymes" and "Romance of the Onion." In 1953 he married Maria Teresa
Feretti, from which four years later had a daughter.
From September 1956 to November 1958 he returned to work to the 'Units "said the envoy for the page and then the cultural and, finally, the news editor. During these years she wrote a column in the newspaper very successful "because of the book, which later changed its name to" because the mail. " The best of this book was later made into a book after his death in 1984.
On 1 December 1958 he moved to the "country night" where in addition to working as a journalist, not political party, had the opportunity to continue to write for childhood.
In 1960 Einaudi published writings and his fame spread throughout Italy. The first book that came with the new publishing house was "Rhyme in heaven and on earth" in 1959. Let
"country night" in 1970 won the "Premio Andersen", the most important international competition for the literature of childhood.
In 1970 he began to publish and Einaudi Editori Riuniti.
Coming back from a trip to the USSR in 1979 began to suffer from circulatory problems that first brought him to death after surgery in 1980.

Even today, millions of children, not only in Italy, growing up with his stories, his rhymes, his "stories on the phone" e. .. his limericks. As evidence of his fortune should be mentioned the hundreds of parks, clubs, libraries, recreation centers, roads, and nursery and primary schools named after Gianni Rodari throughout Italy, the Bologna Corodari and consultation for children of the Democratic Left, headed also in his name.

A couple of limerick Rodari, drawn from his extensive bibliography

Once a doctor wanted to remove the tonsils Ferrara
a mosquito. The insect turned

and nose puncicò
Then tonsillifico doctor Ferrara

by G. Rodari, word play (grammar of the imagination)

A clever cook

A skilled chef named Dionysius
went to buy grapes Paris, so instead of simple omelets

was "omelettes" very sophisticated
that clever chef named Dionysius.

From nursery rhymes in heaven and on earth

Di Gianni Rodari (Emme Edizioni)

For completeness I add a poem, which is not a limerick but it remains one of my favorites ... one of the many little touches of genius that you can read between the pages of this wizard Rodari:)

Poor ane

If you go to Florence

certainly see that poor ane
mentioned by the people.

is a dog without a head,
poor beast.
really do not know how to bark

The head is said to
gliel'hanno eaten ...
(The "c" for the Florentine
dish is delicious).

But he does not complain,
is an expensive puppy, wagging

and celebrates all people.

How do you eat? Gentlemen, we are not investigating

there are many ways to pull a living.

Living Headless
is not the worst of the trouble:

many people have it but never uses it.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

In Films Do They Use Fake

There is a daredevil of Ravenna
that the bike just part
rears but the explanation is known to all those who have cheated the

the front wheel to the poor motorist Ravenna.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Ice Skate Sharpener Machine Used

A promising chef born in Bari
had a restaurant that just to save greedy

eat mosquitoes and seafood dishes.