Friday, December 7, 2007

What Are The Chances Of Getting Hepatitis C

- (from the anarcobuddisti, Appendix 2)

Jona is working on the laptop in the room.

I'm sitting on the couch. Only. I'm sleepy. I do not want to do anything, this new life of meditation and self-discipline and abstinence sexual tires me more than the previous year. I do not know how long.

I fall asleep suddenly.

I have to go to the station with a dark blue Golf, lent old model from my aunt. She waits for me there, where I will refund the car and take the train to visit my mother. There should also be a friend of mine waiting for me at the station, Enzo.

I find parking near the entrance, will be a hundred meters. Really cool, there is also free parking.

I leave the car and entered the station, where my aunt is waiting for me with Enzo. I'll give you the keys. The train is at 17:18, I still have time. I go out and go with the car. But the car is gone. They have stolen in 15 minutes.

How is this possible? Maybe I remember correctly where I parked. We turn a bit ', Claudia is in a panic. Me too. The car was there, and now it's gone. I'll have to pay it off. I'm desperate, I could cry, my aunt is already crying. Enzo helps me to look for the machine, but it was there, and now it no longer is.

I will strive to repay. This is a big, very big mess. I have not ever gotten a bad luck like that. I do not see even really. I begin to drive around the city are close to the most infamous neighborhood, but I'm not afraid. Imagine, I am the last of the last.

The road is unpaved, the houses ruined. I did not think there were dirt roads in this fucking city. The houses are just huts, in front of me there is an abandoned factory. Few people around, almost nobody.

Suddenly a battered blue car, I do not know identify the model, he passes next to a breakneck speed for the job. Skidding in a curve to the left just before me, and stops suddenly in a clearing earthy. It occurs to me that is tracked.

down a guy running, gray-haired and chubby in his fifties, with a cardboard box in hand. He runs as if the devil at his heels, in my fucking way. I pass by with the box, and passes it to a guy who has materialized ten feet to my left, perhaps out of a nearby alley. It 'too middle-aged, is tall and dark glasses. I am appalled by the bizarre scene, I do not think the theft even more than before. I could be in the middle of a mess, but I'm not afraid at that time. It 's a scene from the movie.

When the Buddha grizzled meets the other guy, the one with dark glasses, he stops suddenly and gives him the box, but is open and something falls over and rolls in my direction. Of course I could get me my cocks, but there are no doors. I approach the object. What is it? I focus.

cazzutissimo A Rubik's cube. Why the fuck is a Rubik's cube on the ground in front of me? Enough, I gather. In a moment I have it in hand. E 'solved. I look at his face all yellow cube in my hand.

The chubby while coming toward me, in my cube in his hand. He stopped about five feet ahead of me. I look at him. I look at the cube. I look at him.

And I understand.