Thursday, April 30, 2009

Radio Shack Sata To Usb Converter

Conversations with a suicide

-Not that there's all this difference between me and you-
And what the fuck do you know me?
-What I see now. I know there are going balls to leave everything
-balls? Balls? The balls are there for continuing to put up every day and the usual balls that we speak of the obvious and pull the piss out of things for granted and disgustingly due. Due you know? And to you all!
-due to people from? Do not say crap. Caused because you were taught that way. He bitterly cold up here.

-no-go because then they pay me to stay here and do my job, and keep talking to people like you
-then I guess this time you lose it, work
-actually I do not give a fuck . I have two other jobs. If I do this is just great passion for passion
the difference between me and all the psychologists the fuck is that I really believe in people like you. I think only people like you
-but what the hell you say?
-I believe it. Absolutely. In disillusioned. Fucking in the brain. In the desperate. It is you who would have something to teach others, do not put up with the sermon, the advice of psychologists and antidepressants
-I have nothing to teach you understand? Go away.
-feel if I'm here because I believe in you. Because I think that now you will be able to teach something to me, believe it or not does not take you for a ride.
-I just want to die
-first let me understand. Make the last noble act of your life. Certainly it is a fucking bet for someone like me believe in people like you, who have taught to compete and not fail. You yourself did you come to understand that it's all about taking the piss you know? Give me this little chance. Is about to start raining.
-what remains? What remains, if you exclude what you were taught to believe? If you exclude the big jack ass? Either you adapt or you end up doing the bum, and I'm sorry there are no doors. I'd rather die.
-in fact there are many more options than you think to the disillusioned failed without a dick like you. Type shift attention not only more about you. And we might as well live. Of course it is easier stuffing of xanax and head towards this fucking ledge to get it over-
save the discourses of altruism cock and drugs and all your fucking morality
-I refer only to situations that allow you to learn something. Finish cleaning your old ass to behold, that is a situation that allows you to learn something. This is how I see it-a
wash hands thoroughly, surely .. [Laughs]
- [laughs]
- ...
six-friendly. Cute as moved. If we had more time we could go drink a beer together
-no-haha what are you saying you would
-and pity. Or would you
-this is because you do not believe anything of what I said up to now. What I learn from people like you
-in fact I do not. But if you tell me to learn to wipe your ass I understand that we're older than me in about
-you drink?
-drink? Alcohol-
not drink water. Or do not survive the use of liquid foods, but you're stupid

-okay you're going to commit suicide, but it is that you lose all sense of humor
-I never had
-shit. Before you made me laugh-
certain that your hands smell like shit ..
- [laughs] you feel like a beer?
-c ... but you really come here with a beer in your pocket? For what, to buy?
-no, more for me. If not I would bring two. If all goes well I'll take you down and go drinking together, before you rely on some of the mutual psychologist. If you do not look squashed
uncork a can-and you do not give a shit? [Softly, turning around] What the fuck do you have any questions, it is obvious that ...
-if I'm being completely honest, regretting the lost opportunity of not having known a person of interest, at least for public comment in the eyes lit cock of duty before the games
-but what the hell do you know me! How do you say I'm interesting! Stop with the fake ricchionerie
-talking too much about the matter is ricchioni. Maybe ricchione you. Like in the ass right?
-fuck ..
-what's wrong. I have a lot of friends ricchioni. And they are certainly more respectful of all the herd animals fucking calciotelemacchinadipendenti that are out there. Who worship and fear the vagina in an obsessive way, victims of unresolved complex towards their mothers and for me that you can keep for life. Complexes with their mothers, I mean. People that I know how you hate me, right?
-fuck. I do not know ricchioni and have no friends. Thirty-three years I have dedicated my life to studying and working to see all fucked up in a week. Not that I believed, but I defended myself. But no sense
-is the first sensible thing you hear about this. Bravo, you got there. So when you're done feeling sorry for himself you tell me if you like a drink [uncorks beer and starts drinking]
-then ...? I'm here. And I do not go.
-I will go ..
-okay give me a sip
-well .. hold .. [Trips] cock!
-eye! Then I'm the one who should die between the two
-fuck. At times I went there
-not bad .. [Drinks] .. fresh-
do you tell a
-a month ago they sent me to take one that you wanted to throw off the bridge CLJ. A blonde girl in his forties in a suit, betrayed by her husband.
-eh ..
-arrival there and this here crying like a fountain
-I approach with my approach, with the idea once again I learn something, and starts talking
-well? Wake up, I have too much time ... you know I must die
No-look, just attack this discourse began to cry bitterly, and tell all their quarrels with her husband and cocks and bouquets laid me in sincere honesty, I just fucked you
-I almost finished. I'm sorry [laughs]
-okay .. at that moment realized something. If I do my job well, and bring the girl down, I listen to him, because that's what he wants, try to understand it and put up with, and respond with the usual rigmarole still have much to give, for sure you'll find someone who can be there next, try to understand together what you can do once you have taken your husband from your life-certainly
you wanted to do eh?
-no, but come on. Gender zero. No, but I had to do I have to say a wide range of rates for bullshit pull down there, and I did. Seemed to say the book heart-
good, you want the applause?
you-no jokes, in comparison with someone like you at least understand. I understand why you went over the shit for granted, and what you are getting
-I found nothing. The black-
no depression is an ugly beast, but coming here gives it a wonderful kick. Somehow you've decided to cut through the black veil that had fallen on you
-yes, dying, nice way to cut. The only
for me to audition. Past depression. This, cornice future ..

-ass-no, we're going to make us the damn beer I've just drained. To you one more does not hurt, seeing as you are made of shit. I then, I need it. I fucked up a thirst. And I also want to piss.
-hah .. psychologist six more dick that could happen to me.
-perhaps the only one who can figure out a fool like you .. do you mind? [Gets up and pulls down the zip]
-what the hell are you doing? Turn around at least ricchione.
-is still with the history of ricchione. Let me pee in peace. I like to piss the eaves. Imagine the chicks who believe, with the headset while gesturing alone in the middle of Brighton Street and meanwhile they catch my hair Ingell fetid urine. I might be pissing on someone like you ..
- [laughs]
-before you to make a real act of courage that come up here. Hence no one can piss on his head, let alone five hundred feet
-y'know what? Run away to me. And if I turn pisses me after I threw well. Although at this point only piss on the fire beneath it. There are only policemen and firemen.
-then moved a little 'further. There, below, beyond [points] .. there are people.
[pause pissing]
-So is beer?
-You're a fucking asshole. Come on.
-then if you still want to kill yourself, I studied a lot about it. I can tell you a couple of cocktails of drugs that make you feel even a pain. To die with a smile, no balls like me who are you to break.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Scotch Dimpled Bottle



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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Starchoice Motorola Remotes


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