Monday, March 29, 2010

Pains At Belly Button After C Section

E 'dead Mauro La Torre (1946-2010)

Prof. Mauro La Torre

Esperanto is in Italian mourning for the death of an active Esperanto, a man of great culture and democratic respected professor at the University of Roma Tre.

To learn more about going to the funeral site "" (in o) :

About the Professor:{cf }

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Women's Jackets With Elbow Patches

ITALY GOLD - Pierangelo Bertoli - Year 1992

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! EVERYTHING 'Change ... In worse !

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Best Anymous Browser Mac

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Appeal to all the associates in the FEI

has' opened the referendum to approve the new statutes of the Federation of Italian and Esperanto letters are coming to vote. The rate of departure and 'good and we hope that you keep this' cause the goal to reach and' far and needs the collaboration of all. How 'know, the referendum to be valid must reach the quorum established and that means' must vote at least two-thirds of the members.

On the other hand, the FEI is in urgent need of the new statute, because 'the current, which has served well for years, and' inadequate or obsolete in some aspects that are progressively raised. First you have to adapt to the Italian laws that actually are raising awareness to the non-profit organizations, voluntary, social promotion, etc.., But instead are introducing rules that would end up damaging the very association that fails to follow . For example, certain principles always obvious, such as equality 'of the rights of members, the absence of various forms of discrimination, etc.. must be expressly declared and not implied. And so 'on.

this occasion you have decided a number of innovations, dictated by past experience, to make more 'efficient FEI same: how best to define and coordinate the tasks of the respective Councils (National Executive), make three years, their mandate, as does also the UEA, and allow them, and will 'most powerful' as possible, to come together in simultaneous meetings telematics, easy, and then often, rather than 'every time to go at their own expense to train Bologna and Florence to sit around a table.

It 'so obvious an invitation to all the associates in the FEI not only to vote, but also to share information and solicitation to other, perhaps less accessible by the official channels.

and vote immediately, to avoid the risk of forgetting or losing the card sent to you all personally at home!.

The FEI would like to thank you in advance for the necessary co-operation!

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