Monday, April 12, 2010

Choking Baby On Phlegm

Missing thirty years, but so farsighted that he had thought of everything:
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23.10.1920 - 14.04.1980

Rodari Gianni, born in Omegna prov. Novara (now prov. Verbania) in 1920, after an experience of primary education, he worked as a journalist to the 'Units "and" country night "and wrote for children, taking care of some children's programs of the RAI. He directed the "Pioneer", weekly shows for children, and the "Journal of Parents"; proofread the "Corriere dei Piccoli" and "The Best Way", released periodically Italian savings banks. His books have been countless translations and have earned several awards including the prestigious Premio Andersen (1970), "Nobel Prize" of children's literature.

G. Rodari died in Rome in 1980.

(From / doc/88523/RODARI_2007.pdf )

Gianni Rodari

The country of liars

(nursery rhymes )

Once upon a time, there
the parties to wonder,
the country of liars.
In this country nobody
telling the truth,
not called with his name
even chicory:
the lie was mandatory.

When the sun comes
was now a ready
to say: "What a beautiful sunset!"
the evening, if the moon
made clearer
a lighthouse
people complained:
"Ohibò that dark night,
there see anything. "

If you laughed Compatible
" Poor devil, sin,
that will ever
wrong with that? "
If she cries, "What kind original
always happy, always celebrating.
Must have the millions in the head ".
They called the water wine,
chair the table
and all the words
the tipped her going.
were not allowed to do otherwise,
but there were so accustomed
who understood the same.

One day in that country
happened to a poor little man
the code liars
had never read,
and without many concerns
he went around calling
day the day
pear and pear,
and did not say a word
that was not true.


did seize and close to the asylum.
"E 'mad as a hatter:
always tells the truth."
"But no, way, but go ..."
"Word of honor:
is an interesting case,
will be far

five hundred and a professor to study the brain ... "

The strange disease was described in thirty
bets on the" Journal of the lie. "

to satisfy the curiosity
Man- who-said-the-truth

was exposed to charges in the "garden zoo-illogical"
(although that name had been reversed ...)
in a cage of reinforced concrete.

Imagine the crowd.
But this does not affect .
most amazing thing,
disease proved contagious, and
a bit 'at a time throughout the city
spread the bacillus
the truth.
Doctors, police officers, authorities

tried everything possible to curb the epidemic.
Nah, no way.
From oldest to youngest
people now say
bread bread, wine wine,
white to white, black to black
freed the prisoner,
elected him president, and who do not believe me

did not understand nothing.

30th Anniversary of the death of Gianni Rodari

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