Friday, September 17, 2010

Trample Chest High Heels

Evangelical Fraternity of Jerusalem

"The Evangelical Fraternity of Jerusalem welcome lay men and women, single and moved to every age, every condition, every environment, who want to stay in compliance with their family commitments , professional, economic, social, cultural, civil or political, some of the basic requirements of Jerusalem and its evangelical spirit. "
(Book of Life, 168)

The path of the Evangelical Fraternity is supported by:
  • the 'Eucharistic Adoration that grow in love for God and neighbor;
  • the meditation of the Word of God that illuminates the path of the disciple;
  • the sharing of the Book Life that accepted with humility and obedience, driving the common pathway;
  • the prayer of the Psalms and participation in the Liturgy that unify the family in praise of Jerusalem;
  • the meetings of the fraternity that allow sharing human and spiritual experience.
The Evangelical Fraternity of Jerusalem want to be oasis in the desert of the city: eating places where everyone is to restore the strength to act where God calls him. The Fraternity of Jerusalem Evangelical
"Heart of Jesus" Pistoia, meets the premises of the Parish of St. Paul the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month with the following schedule:

  • second Friday of month, 9:00 p.m. to 22:30 hours
  • Fourth Friday of the month, at 18:30 Vespers and S. Mass at 20:00 Agape fellowship, at 21:00 Meeting of the fraternity.
For information, contact Mary Jordan Father Prior of Fr. Marco Maria - Parrocchia San Paolo Apostolo, Tel: 0573-20291, E-Mail: @

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Family Guy Iphone Streaming

"Come to Love Anime Love" - \u200b\u200bEvents of the Society of Young's Heart of Christ

La Fraternità dei Giovani del Cuore di Cristo Youth Brotherhood
Heart of Jesus
Giovani Albanesi


Our meetings will be held on Sunday at 1600 in front of San Paolo Mantellate nun.
I nostri incontri as tengono la Domenica alle 16 presso le di fronte a Mantellate Suor San Paolo.
You are invited to Friday's 1-h at 2100, ARMY have the mass of the Heart is Christ, and we have this name.
Siete invitati al primo venerdì del mese ore 21, get portiamo questo momento che noi Nome (del Sacro Cuore).
The third shtunden 2100 at Gjovalin continue meetings with Bishop Simon to the Church of St. Paul. Il terzo
Sabato del mese ore 21 con don continuano Gli incontri presso la Gjovalin Simon CHIESA di San Paolo.
Every 3rd Sunday of the month at 1600's Mass in Albanian in San Paolo. Ogni
Santa Domenica del mese Terza Mess in lingua inglese a San Paolo.

This year our meetings will have the following four points:
Quest'anno seguono questi i nostri incontri 4 punti:

1) Lectio Divina or spiritual reading the Gospel of Matthew. Lectio Divina
sul Vangelo di Matteo
2) reading and comments together over the Pope's letter to GMG
Letter della Lettura del commento per la GMG 2011 Pope
3) Subject the Church. Il
della Chiesa topics
4) Eucharistic Worship with the Youth Vllazninë Jerusalemit. Eucharistic Adoration

"O and the Enlightenment Jezu Krisht zemërbutë përvuajtur,
zemra ime qe t'i bej përngjajë zemrës sate"

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bubble Inside Lip Piercing

Society Youth Mission to Jerusalem

The Fraternity of Young , arise from the Pastoral Care of the Society of Apostolic young people of Jerusalem and they are accompanied and guided spiritually. The Society of Young
provide leaders of the group, chosen by the Society of Apostolic. The heads of the group is dedicated to animation and the delicate task of creating reports of mutual brotherhood within the fraternity of Young People.
For what purpose was founded a fraternity of young people?
To meet the Lord Jesus alive and present in the Word of God, 'Eucharist and sharing fellowship and bring other young people to' encounter with God
What kids can join the fraternity of young people?
All young people wishing to do so without discrimination for anyone, provided they undertake in search of God and in building positive relationships within the group.
The purpose of the fraternity of young people?
give meaning to life and discover that sin is the only true evil of man and Christ is the only joy and life. the only way to serve the Lord in church services through the church is to evangelize.
ps The communities of young people take the name of Jerusalem, thereby demonstrating that the man is on the way to a new heaven and new earth as the Heavenly Jerusalem.

Tiffany Towers Gallery

"Rooted and built up in Christ. Firm in the faith " Programme 2010/2011 of the Fraternity of Young

The Holy Father has invited young people from around the world to go with him to Madrid for the XXVI World Youth Day. Obviously, the 'invitation also applies to us, Youth Fraternity OF JERUSALEM.
Together with the Youth Ministry of Pistoia in Tuscany and all the young people we decided to twin with the city of Valencia where we will be hosted 9 to 15 August 2011 . On August 15 we move with the bus to Madrid where, together with all the other kids from around the world will live the experience of WYD. The 22 will conclude with Mass of the Pope and return by ferry on August 23 . The total cost is 590 €. It may seem a lot but remember they are 2 weeks in Spain! Soon, we will ask the membership book in advance because the ferry, we keep prices low ... To get started we suggest three concrete actions: •
pray and participate in all meetings on an ongoing basis (Lectio Divina, an Adoration Friday of the month) we will make preparations for retreats during the year and at this final moment;
companions • Search Travel: it means involving other young people that you know, inviting them throughout the year on Thursday and finally to WYD
• Save money: not only for ourselves but for those last minute might be in need of financial assistance. One idea would be to create a kind of piggy bank in which to put a few cents on Thursday after Thursday. It would be profitable lotteries, Christmas dinner, buy some sweets after Sunday Mass ... accepted ideas and it would be nice to see you all in the desire to attend not to leave home.

The Youth Fraternity of Jerusalem is found every Thursday at the premises of the parish of St. Paul to at 20.00 for a fraternal meal followed by a meeting that lasted until 22.30 .

The meetings may provide or Lectio Divina or meeting of spirituality, that is, a deepening of some chapters of the Book of Life or topical issues.

The meetings of the whole 'year will be something of a spiritual baggage preparatory to experience very strong as WYD in Madrid to attend.

Every Friday the boys take turns participating in a fraternity when Eucharistic Adoration in the church of S. Philip organized by all the boys in the Diocese of Pistoia and coordinated by the Youth Ministry of our city.

Every first Friday of the month to participate as a group First Friday Mass, held at 'internal context of the parish in which we are engaged. An initiative

a bit 'alternative to the Lectio and to' worship is that of Cineforum that the vision of some film does not necessarily mesh with later Christian reflection and sharing of the film.

Other dates to remember: November 21