Monday, June 26, 2006

Sims 3 Egypt, Finding The Relic Of Eternity

Write in and out of life and imagination ... Lucid dreaming

Unfortunately, greed and the hectic pace of the consumer society which means that I am part of my time is limited, sometimes concentrated in self-defense not be limited to no dependence or being involved in everything from the syndrome unaware of the slave.

Then I feed the freedom that I have available, that will not sell to discounters rather not sell their own, and I look to find the time, sitting on the balcony of my house next to bonsai growing abuse from the floor of the terrace , defying every law of nature, and this hot pork, which get on the pen and try to use the black ink with the utmost originality becomes spontaneous as the roar of a waterfall in a mountain stream, where water does not hold up but leaves dangling down and roaring towards its destination. Thus, the ink can turn a spot in a permanent witness of a life impermanent, in a coded language that nevertheless limited and can transcend its purpose, its limitations, the place it describes.

I intend to continue to write "Five Star", which appeared as the first goal I wanted "in installments" Blog, but the intention is above reason, and I have to give up. I keep next to my bonsai, without haste, breathing the fresh air of the absence of some constraints. O dream into chaos.
But I'm confident. Meanwhile

use the blog as a blog, and I launch into the adventure of the interviews, after that happened to Rocco in a blissful spring afternoon. The next victim will be Fair, and unlike Rocco he will answer the questions without going through my cognitive filter.

Meanwhile the search for my personal freedom also came from here: where there is so much material to download (books books), but only in English, damn imperialists! (I sneers ...) For example
twenty-six (ventisei!) books on Mahayana! And from there you come here too: ! Directly from Lucio!

You can then cook your brain going from here:

Good food,


Monday, June 19, 2006

Wanted To Make A Folder In Root Folder Of Linux

The lucid dreaming is simply a dream in which one becomes aware that you are dreaming.
I write this because just the other night it happened to me the most lucid and conscious dream of my life (surprise ...).

This is just a personal introduction to the topic, I might as well sooner or later to describe the dream, I opened doors that I did not even exist (disbelief ...).

lucid dreams I have discovered the magic by reading books of Castaneda several years ago (I read them all, cheers to the fanaticism ...). E 'was an extraordinary experience. Incredible to imagine that the dreams you can manage, control, almost like another life to live consciously. I make a brief introduction to lucid dreaming. And I assure you, it's all true, is not science fiction, I have tried everything on my skin. Only, do not have quickly.
for a while 'bibliography, I recommend reading "The Art of Dreaming" by Carlos Castaneda, a milestone. Oh my God, is fictional, I think, but the incredible thing is that its techniques, at least the ones I tried on my skin, they work. So why ask the dilemma every reader of lobotomized Carlos:-Is it true or is all fiction? -.

After pushing his books in the only direction I love, or the quest for personal freedom. And there is nothing that makes you feel more free with the ability to manage at will the dream body.
No, not at the fifteenth barrel. For body I mean the dream of our bodies, what we feel him in my dreams .. There is not ever feel embarrassed to move in the dream, running, talking, as if the body does not belong there? Well, it's only a matter of custom, practice, will, like everything in life. I call him learn to manage the dream body, not practice magic, no new-age hippies, only one more potential. How

site links, you can read in English on the website of the Lucidity Institute, Stanford, , where even retired professors doing research on lucid dreaming. They even invented a contraption, the NovaDreamer, as you can dream of sending flashes of light, which are perceived by the sleeper, who realizes that you are seeing in a dream, realizing that it is time to become aware and try to handle it.

And here one of the key points.

I know for sure now that attention is a part of the awareness transmitted normal, everyday, to that of the dream. If I believe in the dream-tonight if I see a flash of light I understand that I'm dreaming, and I think once, twice, twenty times, maybe not tonight, not tomorrow night, but sooner or later this information is transferred from the normal to the unruly conscience conscience body's dream. Similarly, if I want I want I want to dream a certain person, a certain place, or just have a lucid dream can I be sure that I will live or see him or a lucid dream. Tested on my skin, and skin of people I know very well.

There is also an Italian site that I found which looks interesting, it's called , seems well made but does not guarantee, I found it recently. I'm always afraid of that drifts new-age pro-superstitious that instead of giving them freedom removed, bringing down the winding road of fanaticism. (Hey but you ...)
There is also a wiki page in English, , and a somewhat 'less comprehensive in Italian .

The things that I'd be able to make lucid dreaming in the future are, and here it is forbidden to laugh - see me in a dream while I sleep in my bed
-seek certain persons in the dream, and see if you can, or the sci-fi seek each other in a dream (it seems possible to some research of lucidity)
- (here is the fantastic true) test in a dream to change objects in reality (I know I do not believe it myself, but why not try ? And if Castaneda was right?)

Among other things, in Vajrayana Buddhism as I understand it uses techniques of lucid dreaming, and this increases further my curiosity, even if a good estimator of zen I do not believe in special techniques to achieve enlightenment, even as Dogen says, maybe there is not even lighting.

the good reader ..

Monday, June 12, 2006

Tiffany Granath Stats

Reclaim the Streets 2006!

It 's a quiet evening in midsummer when, armed with the right spirit subversive, Lele step to take in Mondovi. The destination is a place almost unknown in Turin. Let's go, beautiful and damned. Tonight we made the revolution. And we will not fail. The first incident institutional
is now in Turin, an intermediate step to take two friends revolutionaries. One comes, the other late. Precedes the police.
-Documents-close and inside.
Our salt antagonism. Meanwhile

lose five minutes behind that piece of paper that we identify and label the eyes of the State protean that permeates everything and that unleashes their attack dogs to make sure that the order is strictly observed and sadly even at the expense of happiness, piece Paper represented at that meeting by the ID card Lele, Saving Silverman eyes plucked out of the suit with blue-black was not even a porn magazine ..

And our rooms even antagonism.

Where are you going guys? -
-Well, we thought of making a short visit to a gathering of climbing on the buildings, obviously unfair to take back the streets and our freedom! -
.. I whale on the head, but:-Nothing, expect our friend Turin, to exit a po'-
-Where? -
-Eccheccazzovenefrega? - but still I'm holding
-Murazzi-say, looking fragile.
(laughter ..)
"Good evening, boys, and pay attention to down-Murazzi

And you go, content to make the figure of the three Barotti Cuneo looking for easy fun in the great city, dressed in rags from mountain . Luckily they did not see the crash pad. Now we are ready when


How many are there? 100? 150? 200?
In a moment we are attached to children's games, posters for advertising, crumbling walls and even fountains. Funny, yes, funny, and edited the organization, with block map (many, impossible to try them all in two hours), T-shirt, with accurate information ..
Maybe it's a bit 'dispersive, but deep down you want, better order? But please remember ... From the poster of four and a half meters, the launch window to the wrong, the comeback of the gas pipe, the launch impossible on the corner where I left a pound of loose skin with your fingers in the holes of the bricks.
Three areas, many steps, bell'entusiasmo general. In the streets of Turin with the crash, who would have thought?
The final is the meeting point, the aggregation of this pulsatile mass, and although I see it I just put my hands in my hair (aaaarrggghhh.. A plate!) We have the smiling Anita Manachini that the first patch, bringing home the first victory for a SBC with a woman. Finally a bit 'of real power to women! Emma Goldman would be happy.

All hail, SBC ended the evening at the pub, while I got on the gossip and the toll road with toll increases and closer to the face of the taxpayer, and we return to our mountains, so the two and a half in front of a beer feel that is beautiful to recover the city, although the city is not ours, we do not live, rough mountain that we are, and despite the bare rocks are hard and maybe happier this is a good time, there is a real movement, together with two scalar written on walls with subversive, hoping that our ego does not create additional hierarchies, even within our space dedicated to the fun.
The beauty was to be there, all equal in front of a wall, shouting slogans-even if not a bit 'I would have liked-but only incitement, and then try to throw, all with a lowest common denominator of a fable, climbing.
which by definition is an anarchist, and the rules to choose how want.
