Monday, June 26, 2006

Sims 3 Egypt, Finding The Relic Of Eternity

Write in and out of life and imagination ... Lucid dreaming

Unfortunately, greed and the hectic pace of the consumer society which means that I am part of my time is limited, sometimes concentrated in self-defense not be limited to no dependence or being involved in everything from the syndrome unaware of the slave.

Then I feed the freedom that I have available, that will not sell to discounters rather not sell their own, and I look to find the time, sitting on the balcony of my house next to bonsai growing abuse from the floor of the terrace , defying every law of nature, and this hot pork, which get on the pen and try to use the black ink with the utmost originality becomes spontaneous as the roar of a waterfall in a mountain stream, where water does not hold up but leaves dangling down and roaring towards its destination. Thus, the ink can turn a spot in a permanent witness of a life impermanent, in a coded language that nevertheless limited and can transcend its purpose, its limitations, the place it describes.

I intend to continue to write "Five Star", which appeared as the first goal I wanted "in installments" Blog, but the intention is above reason, and I have to give up. I keep next to my bonsai, without haste, breathing the fresh air of the absence of some constraints. O dream into chaos.
But I'm confident. Meanwhile

use the blog as a blog, and I launch into the adventure of the interviews, after that happened to Rocco in a blissful spring afternoon. The next victim will be Fair, and unlike Rocco he will answer the questions without going through my cognitive filter.

Meanwhile the search for my personal freedom also came from here: where there is so much material to download (books books), but only in English, damn imperialists! (I sneers ...) For example
twenty-six (ventisei!) books on Mahayana! And from there you come here too: ! Directly from Lucio!

You can then cook your brain going from here:

Good food,



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