Friday, February 2, 2007

Can A Hacked Sim Work In Sidekick 08

The man is his freedom to transgress.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
? (Juvenal, II century AD)

The proliferation of technologies of control of man by man appears to be an unstoppable trend in recent decades.

are put in place more restrictions, prohibitions and control equipment, day after day, month after month, year after year. With the idea of \u200b\u200bsafeguarding freedom dies, the concept of freedom itself.
The rules, originally functional to social life, lose the flexibility to represent a complex system such as humanity, not under a system of axioms absolute and immutable.

continually growing Zoo cameras on the streets, squares and apparatus for recording telephone technology for monitoring the network for the tracking of every single molecule of shit that comes out of our tired sphincter.
are two possible extreme scenarios, if the trend towards increasing control does not stop, well beaten by both science fiction writers, and both disgustingly dystopian: either dramatically decreases the number of specimens to be tested, see T. Malthus, or dramatically increasing the ability of technology to monitor and punish transgressions without a need to coordinate human translated, artificial intelligence. The cop
bionic, the dehumanization of the cop. The nightmare. Being loyal to a code only, without the ability to feel emotions. Without knowing the freedom to transgress. Until it becomes stronger than the man himself.
Nothing now seems able to stop the spiral more control - more control, more transgressions. It 's a deadly game.

there a third way? Nothing if not a revolution, but most likely far from being aware that an event could easily lead in scenario number one. Maybe sitting by the river is the only viable alternative to look at the theater.

The man is his freedom to transgress. Where there is no absolute, there are no rules that can constrain the system within the tracks to ever come out. Transgress to change, evolve to transgress. Transgress to be human. We've been given the freedom to transgress, together with that to understand and forgive. These do not remove or the machines or the powerful.

There are no rules that we can not prove wrong or contradictory in at least one situation. But this
, who had already claimed?



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