Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pinnacle Tv Center Pro With Comcast

Evangelism, mission impossible?

The horizon of the way of us brothers and sisters of the Apostolic Fraternity of Jerusalem and the whole Church is to evangelize. The Church does not exist as a function of itself, but to bring Christ to the world, to proclaim the Gospel to the Gentiles.

Woe to me if I preach not the Gospel! ( 1Cor9, 16 )

We evangelization takes place on two fronts: in the parish and going down the streets of several cities. Through Evangelization "seek" with all the human limitations, to encourage men in search of treasure.

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?

If we are to God we can not also be the world ... if the world were of the world would love you ..

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tanning And Getting Your Eyebrows Waxed


Speakers: our brothers and sisters of the Fraternity of Jerusalem apostolic Project Description: first propose a cultural street, called "The monks yesterday, aiming to show the richness of monasticism in over the centuries. Secondly we propose a way of existence, which we call "The monks today," through the witness of our lives lived, showing how monastic spirituality can still fill your life with joy and beauty of men and women.
Methodology: lectures and interactive conversations
Recipients: young people in schools, parishes, groups, youth groups of the territory.

Addresses and info:

Brothers: the parish of San Paolo Via della Rosa 057332129 51100 Pistoia

Sisters: via della Rosa, 39 51100 Pistoia 057320291

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I- Catcher Console Webmonitor


. .. I started listening to the Holy Spirit and set about the work, not without fear and trembling, stronger feeling of having nothing to give of myself, but have to receive everything from God, simply to order in accordance with our own way and according to "our day" , supported by our confidence and your unanimous prayer, which I experienced so clearly the strength and depth during the last few days. day when, in prayer in solitude and silence, I tried to accommodate his knees, from Scripture and Tradition what God has put in our hearts and in our lives ...
A rule does not apply to what he proclaims, but as it is lived. A good rule is not observed remains a dead letter. A rule
imperfect, well lived, becomes Spirit and Life.
not the hearers of the law are just before God, but those who do it. God forgive me, then, that in this book of life can be written or thought imperfectly.

Brother Pierre-Marie

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hard To Catch A Shiny Rayquaza In Pokemon Emerald

On December 25, together with Jesus' was born "IN THE HEART OF ST PAUL" a bimonthly that addresses current issues, spirituality and many other notizie.Questo project designed by the children of the Fraternity will Young OF JERUSALEM the participation of the other two groups lay of the Fraternity of JERUSALEM with the group and the Renewal of the pre-marriage courses in the parish of St. Paul (Pistoia).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Oil Free Concealer Non Comedogenic


We received with great joy the special invitation of the Holy Father, to be active, with the service and prayers during vespers in the Church of St. Peter on the eve of the first Sunday of Advent. Together with us there were also several secular groups of the Fraternity of Jerusalem Apostolic of Pistoia.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Friendship Quotespicnik

Walk - "From the anarcobuddisti Chapter 25," The cube

The first thing I did when I was able to walk to go into a field. No big deal, that field in front of the window. I had to limp out of breath after a few hundred meters. Only in the grass and the dew, I even able to stay on my feet for more than a minute in a row, dirty and pale. During my first trip. The first, remember. The long trip across the lawn in front. I sat, wet and cold with which I devoured the bones. I laughed. I laughed my loneliness and my situation. The fact that I used to fight endless battles with the imagination, endless challenges to the soul of the people, now I can not commit to stained with excrement. At that moment I could not stop laughing, and was late in the morning sun rising behind the hills too far.

Then I went back into the house and I wrote this:

Meditation on the Four Noble Truths.

The First Noble Truth is the truth of the pain. Everything is suffering, birth is pain, life is suffering, suffering is suffering, death is pain. Bitter tears. Blood. A limb amputee. The defeat of a great dream. All of humanity freed from oppressors. Oppressors who use the same humanity against itself to decide who can and who should not survive. The twilight of the last day. The joy of seeing a kitten born in a barn while it's snowing outside. The inevitable parabola of everything. The second law of thermodynamics. The inability to look beyond their horizons. The chirping on my windowsill. The pants soaked. Where there is life, there is impermanence, and no pain.

The Second Noble Truth is the truth of the origin of pain. Where there is desire for further existence, there is pain. The perpetration of all things in nature. The cyclical. The source and the mouth. The whales get stranded on remote beaches where the sand is so fine. The desire that all this joy can not last forever. The coffee, which ends in two gulps, and it is not right. The desire to copulate. The desire to see children in a reflection of ourselves. The arrogance of the powerful to defeat death. The arrogance and nothing else. Each hierarchy. Any sense of superiority. Each division. Each classification. Each selective love. Love is not selective, but pervasive.

The Third Noble Truth is the truth of the cessation of pain. The cessation of craving for existence leading to the cessation of further pain. And the tree in autumn rain falls asleep while grandmother prepares homemade pasta, a wood that is old, but old enough to already have the deep grooves where skilled hands have pressed for decades in the sacred act of kneading.

The Fourth Noble Truth is the truth of the Path leading to the cessation of pain. Right action, right intention, right view, right speech, right effort, right concentration, right livelihood, right mindfulness, right revolution, line handling, look straight into the shoes with holes in them that you wrap around your feet, legs straight posture while do not hold up, but the smile does. Right merger with everything around you, because you do not own anything, but you're just wearing rags and two in the middle of a field is not cultivated, the grass so green and so cold that seems want you to swallow, but you do not think of anything other than the fact that you want to live, so you want to live no more, but life is meaningless if you do not realize that the cold reality that is killing you in you, and you are the destruction and the generation of the cycles of nature, and you are also the second law of thermodynamics, which leaves no way to every perfect preservation of motion, and even existence. You are the state of maximum disorder, and even the cat killed by foxes at night, because he was still too small to go around. You are the wheel of the greatest suffering and the greatest gratitude, you are the many possible universes and cataracts that will strike you as an old man. You are the morning and afternoon, and also the rings of Saturn. And while laughing at breakneck speed even without meaning to, you find yourself in the world to know more than you have known in decades of ridiculous dream.