Wednesday, February 17, 2010

16/38.5-15 Boggers For Sale

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February 15, 2010, receive from the FEI (Federation Italian Esperanto) the following press release.

"Nobel Prize for Peace World Esperanto Association (UEA) second eight British MPs.

Eight British MPs have proposed to the committee for the prize Nobel Peace Prize to award the prize at the 2010 Association Universal Esperanto. The eight MPs, some well-known in United Kingdom, (the party is shown next to each):

Andrew Smith, Labour Party
Austin Mitchell, Labour Party
Bill Etherington, Labour Party
Oliver Heald, Conservative Party
Charles Kennedy, Liberal Democrat Party
Bob Lord Maclennan, the Liberal Democratic Party
Lord Robin Corbett, Labour Party
Roger Gale, Conservative Party
Esperanto is an international language developed at late nineteenth which aims at global level, as a tool to facilitate mutual understanding between peoples and has been designed in such a way as to be easily learned and used by all. Established by the ideals of peace and cooperation among people, this language is at the top of every ethnic, political, religious, and - because no country of their language and accessible to all on an equal basis - protection against cultural and economic dominance of the strongest and the risks of a monocultural vision of the world.

The Universal Esperanto Association (UEA) is located in the Netherlands is the Esperanto movement and the UN and UNESCO.
In Italy is Esperanto Esperanto is the Italian Federation (FEI), which is a moral entity by Presidential Decree No. 1720 of 28.6.1956, non-profit, divided into forty groups throughout Italy. "

Photographic portrait of Alfred Nobel
young ..... .................................................. ...................................
Esperanto Italy - FEI
Via Villoresi, 38, 20143 Milano, ufficio.stampa @

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

O.g Mudbone Biography

Zlango? Okay, but no ESPERANTO!
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The Italian public television (RAI - TG3 " Neapolis ") has given the news today (not new?) That a self-styled "creative " Israel has invented a language of icons and symbols from the universal meaning to exchange text messages with people who speak different languages \u200b\u200bthat do not know.
But, as you can see, the literal meaning is always shown in English.

" a kind of Esperanto for SMS " as the author himself called it, and christened with the name " Zlango . For now, only one Italian telephone company has adopted " Zlango ," but it is expected that they will soon also the other (see ).

short, using the pretext of communication and advertising the example of the planned international language Esperanto, but ... Like hell you do something to spread and consequently use it maybe for the SMS.

Indeed, the " all is well unless the Esperanto " looks like yet another strategic move for the global boycott by those who crafted the most selfish benefits remain relegated to the corner of Esperanto " utopias "...
... those easily achievable, as long as you want.

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Can U Get Pregnant By Slime

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The Journal of cats (Gianni Rodari * )

Cats have a newspaper with the latest news and

the last page " Small Advertising. "

comfortable house with chairs out of fashion
do not accept children
because they pull the tail."

"I am looking old lady
purpose company.
references and account butcher. "

" Awarded
hunter looking for job in the barn. "
" Vegetarian, single, rich look
milkman. "

homeless on Sunday after lunch

reading this message, more beautiful than a novel.

For 'Oretta or two
daydream, then go to prepare

the night concerts.

G. Rodari (*)

(*) Rodari Gianni, 1920 - 1980, was a famous Italian educator and writer of poems, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, etc.., for children.
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