Thursday, October 28, 2010

Big 5/olympic Bench Bar

Nono PREMIO "ZAMENHOF" e PREMIO "STOPPOLONI" - Ancona, 18 Novembre 2010

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(See below update 19/11/2010)

(Click on pictures to make them readable)
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Nono and Nobel Prize Zamenhof Stoppoloni 2010

(See below update 11/19/2010)

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Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 21
Experimental Theatre "Lirio Arena
Redipuglia 57th Street, Ancona
Admission free.

This year the ceremony of this ninth edition of the prestigious Award Zamenhof - The Voices of Peace " well matched to Award Stoppoloni Umberto - The Integration Impossible" will have a home worthy of ' event and the sponsorship Marche Region, the Province of Ancona, Ancona City, State Tactile Museum of Homer and the University of Peace.

Among the sponsors are cited Mariotti Building Construction and Elle.

The bronze sculpture "The Vojaĝisto" of mo Floriano Ippoliti will be allocated this year for Award Zamenhof " to:

NICCOLO 'FABI , the singer engaged in Concert to support charitable initiatives in education and health in Africa (Sudan, Angola);

Nicolò Fabi

Prof. ROCCO ALTIERI, Professor of Theory and Practice of "Non-Violence at the University of Pisa, engaged in the pedagogy of peace and nonviolence as an intellectual and a citizen;

Prof . Rocco Altieri

SISTER MARIA PIA from Recanati, Italy Centre for Superior-North of the Missionaries of Charity, Mother Teresa of Calcutta and working in the world to alleviate the suffering of those who live in poverty and disease in contexts of marginalization and poverty.
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The Award Stoppoloni " will be awarded to:

INSENSINVERSO , the association that operates in the district of Rome" the Magliana "for the integration of different ethnic groups through the teaching of Italian.

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end the evening a concert by the pianist, Marco Virgin with music by Debussy, Schumann, Chopin and Liszt.

Marco Virgin

Conductors: Patrick Ginobili Andrea and Carloni .

Journalists Ginobili and Patrick Andrea Carloni
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Award "Zamenhof" was born in 2002 with the dual purpose of reporting to the public through the media, some examples of life, alternative models that are offered daily from a society based on individualism, and secondly to provide a deeper understanding of the Esperanto movement through its core values: peace, solidarity among peoples, respect for all languages \u200b\u200band all cultures.
In these eight years the event has become known by more and more people, winning the respect and consideration of the authorities, media and associations involved in the promotion of values \u200b\u200bwhich are identical or contiguous and many prominent intellectuals .
Contributors Trubbiani important artists such as Valerian, Loren Sguanci and Floriano Ippoliti, have received the very famous characters of the show (Luca Zingaretti, Lella Costa, Claudio Abbado, Moni Ovadia, just to name a few) and fewer social workers and cultural known but capable of seriously affecting some social realities.
Award "Stoppoloni", inspired by the figure of a large family and promoted by the Esperanto, as well as by the Group Pistoiese Esperanto, was born together with the Prize "Zamenhof" and accompanied him throughout his journey. It aims to raise awareness and help some social initiatives that only the courage and dedication of a few manage to Pull out from the realm of the impossible.

Italian Esperanto Federation.

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Update 11/19/2010

Before the ceremony, the pupils of an elementary school
Ancona sing in Esperanto

Sister Maria Pia receives from Recanati PRMI the "Zamenhof"

Prof. Rocco ALTIERI Prize awarded Zamenhof "

Songwriter Niccolò Fabi Prize awarded Zamenhof "

L 'Association INSENSOINVERSO Prize awarded Stoppoloni"

The public appaude the conclusion of the show
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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Illegal To Sleep With Shoes In North Dakota

Castelletto di Branduzzo DRIFT DAY October 24, 2010 ---

Here is a wonderful day spent with friends and lots of drift! Scenario
wonderful racetrack of Branduzzo Castelletto, with real samples and the drift D1 DRIFT STAR CHALLENGE you have precipitated in Twin Drift Battle thrill is limited!! We, too, the CRAZY SNAKE TEAM DRIFTING we set ourselves very busy in twin and triple rooms with beautiful drift attacks and approaches with a crowded public ROSSOMOTORSPORT race team and the team that has invited to support and assist in our cross!
The next step for the riders and the CRAZY SNAKE DRIFTING TEAM will be for November 14th, 2010 at the Monza circuit ... We look forward to the racing team and ROSSOMOTORSPORT NICOLO 'RED!




EDODK17 with his Arancine

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Convert Gas Starter Into Full Gas


a bit of training ... approaches in twin drift and kiss the wall in our track TWINDROME ... wind and cold did not stop the drifters ...

ALFRED76 and his toyota

Angel16 and his Nissan Silvia S-15



Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nicotine Lozenge Throat Mouth Cancer

Meeting of the Society of Young at the Sisters of Charity of Florence

See the video!

How Does Colyte Work?

October 21, 2010-October 18-TWIN NIGHT SESSION

A bit of twin drift in the company of Raul and its Skyline R-32

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Can U Have Pcos If You Have A Normal Pap

Path of the Nine First Friday

We worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus with the Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

first Friday of every month from October 2010 to June 2011

Recitation of the Rosary at 20:45
Celebration Mass at 21:15

Come, follow this path

1 October 2010
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus missionaries around the world.
Readings: Isaiah 66.10-14c Ps 130, Mt 18,1-5.10
"The more we can store our souls with love in silent prayer, and the more we can donate it to the active life" (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta)

November 5, 2010
Worship the Eucharistic Heart Jesus, open to the communion of saints.
Readings: Phil from 3.17 to 4.1, Ps 121, Lk 16.1-8
"All we crave the sky, but we can already enjoy it here on earth. We just need to feel happy with Christ even now." (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

December 3, 2010
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus to receive the Light of the Poor.
Readings: Isaiah 29.17-24, Ps 26, Mt 9,27-31
"If we are to imitate Christ, who being rich became poor and lived in poverty, we need to act like him." (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

January 7, 2011
Worship the Eucharistic Heart Jesus, converted to become men of peace.
Readings: 1 Jn 3.22 to 4.6, Ps 2, Mt 4,12-17.23-25 \u200b\u200b
"We must all work for peace. But to get peace we should learn from Jesus to be meek and humble of heart. Only humility will lead us to unity, peace and unity. " (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

February 4, 2011
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, aware of the value of life.
Readings: 1 Cor 2.1 to 5, Ps 111, Mt 5:13-16
"Life is love, live it. Life is life, defend it." (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

March 4, 2011
Worship the Eucharistic Heart Jesus, in the silence we learn to speak with Christ and with others.
Readings: Heb 13,15-17.20-21, Ps 22, Mk 6.30 to 34
"We will learn much from silence. We teach you to speak to Christ, and to speak with joy with our brothers and sisters." (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

1 April 2011
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, loving charity with all your strength.
Reading: Os 14.2 to 10, Ps 80, Mk-34 12.28 b
"I thirst! Is the cry of Jesus on the cross. He had no thirst for water, but of love. Extinguish this thirst is what we propose to do. " (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

May 6, 2011
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, sharing the bread of heaven and earth.
Readings: Acts 5.34-42, Ps 26, Jn 6.1 to 15
"We should learn from Mary how to be attentive to the needs of the poor, both material and spiritual." (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

June 3, 2011
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus accepting the gift of giia.
Readings: At 18.9 to 18, Ps 46, Jn 16, 20-23
"Who are filled with joy preaches without preaching." (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

1 July 2011: Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus we come to Him to live in Him
Readings: Dt 7.6 to 11, Ps 102, 1 John 4.7 to 13, from 11.25 to 30 Mt
"The Eucharist is more than simply receive Christ. The Eucharist is Satisfy our hunger. Christ calls us: Come to me. Christ is hungry for souls. " (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

The First Friday of each month is a day of intercession and of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

- Participation in S. Mass for nine consecutive first Fridays.
- Confession of the week.

Via della Rosa 39-51100 Pistoia Tel 0573-20291

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Maytag Pye2300 Electric Dryer

- our track "twindrome" FOR THE WINTER TRAINING -

back the cold season the "CRAZY SNAKE TEAM DRIFTING" hails back to the hot asphalt and underground ... this is our "Twindrome" track where we will spend all winter to train repaired Frost and almost ...