Thursday, October 7, 2010

Can U Have Pcos If You Have A Normal Pap

Path of the Nine First Friday

We worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus with the Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

first Friday of every month from October 2010 to June 2011

Recitation of the Rosary at 20:45
Celebration Mass at 21:15

Come, follow this path

1 October 2010
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus missionaries around the world.
Readings: Isaiah 66.10-14c Ps 130, Mt 18,1-5.10
"The more we can store our souls with love in silent prayer, and the more we can donate it to the active life" (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta)

November 5, 2010
Worship the Eucharistic Heart Jesus, open to the communion of saints.
Readings: Phil from 3.17 to 4.1, Ps 121, Lk 16.1-8
"All we crave the sky, but we can already enjoy it here on earth. We just need to feel happy with Christ even now." (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

December 3, 2010
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus to receive the Light of the Poor.
Readings: Isaiah 29.17-24, Ps 26, Mt 9,27-31
"If we are to imitate Christ, who being rich became poor and lived in poverty, we need to act like him." (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

January 7, 2011
Worship the Eucharistic Heart Jesus, converted to become men of peace.
Readings: 1 Jn 3.22 to 4.6, Ps 2, Mt 4,12-17.23-25 \u200b\u200b
"We must all work for peace. But to get peace we should learn from Jesus to be meek and humble of heart. Only humility will lead us to unity, peace and unity. " (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

February 4, 2011
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, aware of the value of life.
Readings: 1 Cor 2.1 to 5, Ps 111, Mt 5:13-16
"Life is love, live it. Life is life, defend it." (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

March 4, 2011
Worship the Eucharistic Heart Jesus, in the silence we learn to speak with Christ and with others.
Readings: Heb 13,15-17.20-21, Ps 22, Mk 6.30 to 34
"We will learn much from silence. We teach you to speak to Christ, and to speak with joy with our brothers and sisters." (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

1 April 2011
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, loving charity with all your strength.
Reading: Os 14.2 to 10, Ps 80, Mk-34 12.28 b
"I thirst! Is the cry of Jesus on the cross. He had no thirst for water, but of love. Extinguish this thirst is what we propose to do. " (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

May 6, 2011
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, sharing the bread of heaven and earth.
Readings: Acts 5.34-42, Ps 26, Jn 6.1 to 15
"We should learn from Mary how to be attentive to the needs of the poor, both material and spiritual." (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

June 3, 2011
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus accepting the gift of giia.
Readings: At 18.9 to 18, Ps 46, Jn 16, 20-23
"Who are filled with joy preaches without preaching." (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

1 July 2011: Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Worship the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus we come to Him to live in Him
Readings: Dt 7.6 to 11, Ps 102, 1 John 4.7 to 13, from 11.25 to 30 Mt
"The Eucharist is more than simply receive Christ. The Eucharist is Satisfy our hunger. Christ calls us: Come to me. Christ is hungry for souls. " (B. Teresa of Calcutta)

The First Friday of each month is a day of intercession and of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

- Participation in S. Mass for nine consecutive first Fridays.
- Confession of the week.

Via della Rosa 39-51100 Pistoia Tel 0573-20291


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