Monday, October 30, 2006

Monoatomic Gold In Pregency

Models of slavery - Part Two

"There will be a future generations a method drug to love people the servants of their condition and then produce dictatorships, as it were, without tears, a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies in which people will be deprived of their liberty in fact, but it will be quite happy "
Aldous Huxley

view of the presented models of slavery inspired by Vajrayana Buddhism in the first part, a few words I would put it.

At least for the fottutoventunesimosecolo.

Slavery requires a master. O masters.
Slavery implies a chain.
The most effective weapons to keep in captivity are propaganda and creation needs.

chase each other and feed off each other.
Luckily I'm old enough to have witnessed a striking example of the creation of needs: the phone. I've seen the evolution from exclusive gadget working on gadgets and unique enough to essential consumer goods.

Essential . Here's the magic word. There are so worried about drugs, fighting addiction, when everything is turning into drugs, thousands of new branches were created and are being born. Question: Why so much rage and more on drugs, at least with those designed dall'accezione common because it is important Prohibition?
Answer: because the dependencies want to decide their .

But they who?
Who are the masters?
thousand words have been spoken about, I will not name a one thousand more. The hunt is open to anyone wishing to hunt at your own risk.
E 'David hunts Goliath, but first he must realize that Goliath is inside him.
My suggestion on this issue is that the system self-sustaining, as it had been created something independent, a living and intelligent. A mechanism for producing slaves. At the base but there are no robots, but men. You created the idea in the minds of most of the work for a just cause, for a society for the betterment of society. Each contributes to the chains for others, not realizing he is obeying his.
The sense of duty and his desire to climb this great game, to get higher and higher is sufficient. Perpetrated in millions of minds, creating a self-healing system.
What then there is someone at the top of the pyramid, this ..

But here I am to the point.
models are the role of slavery that we are going to occupy the place where we go to sit on the global cinema. Not always, as is well known, the place we choose, more often choose among the remaining .

The psychological slavery arise because we are free beings, and therefore unfit for role of slaves.

We have a front line role, the role of the gods, or be at the top but fear being attacked, we can have a nice place but envying others. We can run
nonsense never stop to wonder why we have a role that we like and do not want to feed ourselves, we can finally be frustrated by our low profile and be saturated with anger.

And here is the six spheres samsara. Our six seats to be slaves.

But I keep telling myself that we are beings free, and therefore unsuitable for these roles ..

Friday, October 20, 2006

Microsoft Messenger For Mac Change Name

Models of slavery. - Part One Interview with Master Ching

I happened recently to reflect on the patterns of contemporary slavery.
Translated: we play to understand "how I am a slave, and as you are a slave!" An important

schematization, surprisingly current, comes from Buddhism Vajrahyana, when speaking of the six spheres of distraction samsaric or six kinds of lives subject to conditions.
Translated: the six types of slavery.

Now, I'm not very fond of and accustomed to the classifications, or otherwise believe they are a way as any to "split a continuous ", but the fact that this scale has a few thousand years at least makes me think.

Paradigm 1: God.
absorption in themselves. Successful complete or nearly complete certain objectives, success then, in a certain field, or absorption in the full research dell'apoteosi causes a "trance ego," or you become the target itself, or running towards it . The fall is always disastrous.

Paradigm 2: The god himself "evil."
The race to reach a goal is continuous, without stopping, and any outside interference is interpreted as harmful or potentially harmful. Paranoia and concern are key features. The fall is always present.

Paradigm 3: The man and his envy.
A person identifies with a lifestyle, with what is his and what is not his. Its materialism becomes his world. You look around much, and is constantly in a state of "envy" towards those who are similar and him, but better than him, according to his aesthetic model. Tiny big falls alternate with moments of pause.

Paradigm 4: The race without the sense of the animal.
I am sorry to use the term "animal" with a negative connotation, but I take the vocabulary of the original classification. A continuous, that feeds on itself and self-justification, taken to extremes, in a mad rush aimlessly, without exchange or comparison with others, no sense of humor or pause for reflection, crushing and trampling when necessary.

Paradigma5: The consumer desires.
Would you follow each other like, without ever reaching emancipation. The more obstacles, the greater the dissatisfaction. But even more are obtained more as future desires and the consequent frustration.

Paradigm 6: The aggressive spirit.
The aggression is continuing unabated. The anger is blind, frustration and dissatisfaction companions Travel. No time for success, as it feeds on aggression itself.

So, I know you said it seems the horoscope, but it is a sketch not be underestimated.
The reason is there for everyone, but it is easier to stop that run, especially when we teach it to come before the world. Early models
second part of slavery ..
Collect them all!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What Does Creuset Mean?

Interviewer: Honest, that there is no need to explain ..

Q: kill a fly? a cat? a person? Why are the plants?
I wanted to know when life becomes valid to be preserved ...

Life is always important, regardless. To make more concrete my definition, and to distance themselves from the same type of response that I think would also Ruini, by specifically invoking the concept of invasiveness.
That act so that my existence is the least intrusive way possible. This in relation to other people, animals, plants, all that exists. The choice not to eat animals is a choice that minimizes the invasiveness, that's all. Also feed as the feed ourselves we end up indirectly in the plant that has fed the animal. Also, the performance of the chain. The first question the answer is no, not kill, even if it rarely happens with the flies (and mosquitoes, for god ..). And a claim to personal integrity means that I do not delegate the burden of killing someone else because I do not have the strength, the strength if you want to call. If we were to survive, I might be forced to do so, but between survival and the common wealth passes an ocean.

Q: The title Master if it imposes or is imposed?

The name Master comes from "great" or "greatest", then there is no point referring to me. But taking up the pattern of the Diamond Sutra and referred to an enlightened being, just because there is no master, he may be called Master.

Q: In neighborhoods where the sun does not god good from the rays of the old city
, how should people behave? I abhor violence, you have
fear? There is a reason why violence is appropriate?

Violence is one to which the masses are subjected, especially in poor countries, every single day. But also the freedom of each of us is raped daily by rules and regulations, most without any sense. I firmly believe that the greater the awareness, more diminish the needs and tolerance to the rules. Paraphrasing Malatesta, the man used to living in logs, and forced to live with them you become attached to the point of believing that their own to ensure survival.
violence as a rebellion of the oppressed can be a fascinating concept, but I do not think is the solution. I think first and foremost is a need for greater awareness. The first tactic is to enslave a daze, remove the ability to learn, understand, and this is the first wall to be removed because the sun back up the entire city.

Q: Do you think spirit or spirituality? If so, s / he appears
into something tangible? Do you think the human ability to abstract (or
doubt the ability to thought) is related to it?

No. Simply because I do not distinguish between the material and the spiritual. Abstract is to split, well I think now is the time to unite.
It 's easy refuge in spirit, thinking, abstract, intelligible, and can be a way to deal with or remove the fear of death. But the real challenge is to find their spirituality eating, driving, washing dishes.

Q: What do you do when reports of mold-induced
their social work occupations (but not only)
bring you in contact with individuals without a brain?

Some say that there is to learn from everyone. Some say there is nothing to learn.
In any event, before getting lost in thought on the commission say that the karmic irony is an excellent weapon, especially when we talk with those who did not want to listen, or who just want to talk, or worse, wants to teach.

Q: consider your state of "intellectual" or a superior condition
Einstein reborn as a plumber would you do?

simply banish the definition of "superior" or "lower" from my vocabulary, because it implies a hierarchical view.
I seek refuge in the terms "difference" and "opportunity."

Q: What are individuals past and future where you get your inspiration?

I am inspired by all the rebels, those who obey the law do not act for gain and loss, by those who question the usefulness of rules and controls associated with them.

Q: Do not you ever want to cry?

Sometimes empathy makes bad jokes, and yes, it can happen to cry.

Q: Did you know that google is my interview with
fifth place?

Hold Back the complaint ... (ndr came in a somehow ..)

Q: You get up in the morning for some particular reason? would you sleep?

I get up because I no longer sleep, because I am aware that this is the life I live, and somehow must be addressed. A person can accept living in a system with certain rules, either because it has the power to change them, either because the shares. I do not agree most, but the road to change is up and full of obstacles, and the first freedom is the one that comes from personal desire.

Q: Do you believe in relationships between people "eternal"? understood in the sense
sentimental-sexual and emotional / empathetic / friendly ...

Eternity presupposes a concept of time, but someone shows us that time is determined by the changes. E 'useless to oppose the change because there is nothing that will not change.
This does not mean that the temporary debasing things, in fact I think the more precious. The claim of eternity almost always implies an attachment visceral, and a consequent fear of death.
A friend of mine would say, "sooner or later the silicone tits Palmas will start to fall .."

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Mammals Vs Reptiles Oxygen

emmedivi2006 (movement)

Things can be read in two ways: with the emotions and with numbers.

With numbers we can say that there were about 300 (three hundred, yes, to be mad) participants, first in front of Chris Gabriel, Albert and Paul, while among women Stellina has taken home the hoard, with behind Elena , Claudia and Gio (I would not be wrong). It can be said that there was a myriad of top, so to finish the cards, a slaughterhouse in turn taken on those c * ZZO wooden floors (beautiful, however, I do not like the Alpine), who knows how many tens of edges that are not permitted by brincar sharpers (but who cares in the end, I will never make the beer as Malatesta put it), and last but not least the many accidents, so that these should not be overlooked, including two fractures (Rosie, Barbara, I'm sorry really really much) and seven eight and similar distortions.

With emotions but you can say much more, although it is much harder to communicate. That Chris
that gloves on top of the Super Final, between the screams of the audience and climbing it in a monstrous way, having heralded two shits (it is to be trust, were really two Merdin), and then with the joy of a kid throws the bag of chalk to the crowd from there .. Well Chris, thank goodness you're there!

Then showers drunk jumping here and there, a central pole while walking, kissing Gabri at the awards ceremony, we test with the sweet girls that the captain at gunpoint, and then the motto that always smiling and very efficient giving evidence to what is close to being a bodhisattva, and what about the foot slipped in the final Leoncini, c * ZZO Paul jinx, no one knew why, then-Nardi said Edoarzio-that demonstrates a technique and an unparalleled patience, even with their children, as well as keeping bad (needs how he had imagined and climbed the Super Final in phase tracking), the carboy attached to the end of the race while I was looking for funds polenta, and then die as the stranded whales to drink alcohol with the Congregation of the Holy Monregalese, whose bonelli , Turkish, Borgna, Axel, Kledi and many others.
My first big experience of tracing has been a blast, what about ..
And thanks to the two biggest real heart of the parterre, the Lollo and Luis, that while all locksmith helped us remove the blocks and assembles the final.

All things that the numbers can not be described, little things perhaps, but not the ones that make us smile more, and move if necessary, and take good in general?

Okay, rankings and other numbers leave them to specialized sites (although I note that the great twelfth Gian arrived!). Among the small

wrong notes, in addition to the four sharpers take notes, the fact that I was not even mentioned in official reports of smear, but I care relatively, the glory is a shit one way, and ultimately the people that call the bailiffs at eleven and a half for the concert, it takes more melancholy note at the bottom, thank goodness we have learned to beat ..

Everything else is to be terminated.
