Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Mammals Vs Reptiles Oxygen

emmedivi2006 (movement)

Things can be read in two ways: with the emotions and with numbers.

With numbers we can say that there were about 300 (three hundred, yes, to be mad) participants, first in front of Chris Gabriel, Albert and Paul, while among women Stellina has taken home the hoard, with behind Elena , Claudia and Gio (I would not be wrong). It can be said that there was a myriad of top, so to finish the cards, a slaughterhouse in turn taken on those c * ZZO wooden floors (beautiful, however, I do not like the Alpine), who knows how many tens of edges that are not permitted by brincar sharpers (but who cares in the end, I will never make the beer as Malatesta put it), and last but not least the many accidents, so that these should not be overlooked, including two fractures (Rosie, Barbara, I'm sorry really really much) and seven eight and similar distortions.

With emotions but you can say much more, although it is much harder to communicate. That Chris
that gloves on top of the Super Final, between the screams of the audience and climbing it in a monstrous way, having heralded two shits (it is to be trust, were really two Merdin), and then with the joy of a kid throws the bag of chalk to the crowd from there .. Well Chris, thank goodness you're there!

Then showers drunk jumping here and there, a central pole while walking, kissing Gabri at the awards ceremony, we test with the sweet girls that the captain at gunpoint, and then the motto that always smiling and very efficient giving evidence to what is close to being a bodhisattva, and what about the foot slipped in the final Leoncini, c * ZZO Paul jinx, no one knew why, then-Nardi said Edoarzio-that demonstrates a technique and an unparalleled patience, even with their children, as well as keeping bad (needs how he had imagined and climbed the Super Final in phase tracking), the carboy attached to the end of the race while I was looking for funds polenta, and then die as the stranded whales to drink alcohol with the Congregation of the Holy Monregalese, whose bonelli , Turkish, Borgna, Axel, Kledi and many others.
My first big experience of tracing has been a blast, what about ..
And thanks to the two biggest real heart of the parterre, the Lollo and Luis, that while all locksmith helped us remove the blocks and assembles the final.

All things that the numbers can not be described, little things perhaps, but not the ones that make us smile more, and move if necessary, and take good in general?

Okay, rankings and other numbers leave them to specialized sites (although I note that the great twelfth Gian arrived!). Among the small

wrong notes, in addition to the four sharpers take notes, the fact that I was not even mentioned in official reports of smear, but I care relatively, the glory is a shit one way, and ultimately the people that call the bailiffs at eleven and a half for the concert, it takes more melancholy note at the bottom, thank goodness we have learned to beat ..

Everything else is to be terminated.



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