Monday, October 30, 2006

Monoatomic Gold In Pregency

Models of slavery - Part Two

"There will be a future generations a method drug to love people the servants of their condition and then produce dictatorships, as it were, without tears, a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies in which people will be deprived of their liberty in fact, but it will be quite happy "
Aldous Huxley

view of the presented models of slavery inspired by Vajrayana Buddhism in the first part, a few words I would put it.

At least for the fottutoventunesimosecolo.

Slavery requires a master. O masters.
Slavery implies a chain.
The most effective weapons to keep in captivity are propaganda and creation needs.

chase each other and feed off each other.
Luckily I'm old enough to have witnessed a striking example of the creation of needs: the phone. I've seen the evolution from exclusive gadget working on gadgets and unique enough to essential consumer goods.

Essential . Here's the magic word. There are so worried about drugs, fighting addiction, when everything is turning into drugs, thousands of new branches were created and are being born. Question: Why so much rage and more on drugs, at least with those designed dall'accezione common because it is important Prohibition?
Answer: because the dependencies want to decide their .

But they who?
Who are the masters?
thousand words have been spoken about, I will not name a one thousand more. The hunt is open to anyone wishing to hunt at your own risk.
E 'David hunts Goliath, but first he must realize that Goliath is inside him.
My suggestion on this issue is that the system self-sustaining, as it had been created something independent, a living and intelligent. A mechanism for producing slaves. At the base but there are no robots, but men. You created the idea in the minds of most of the work for a just cause, for a society for the betterment of society. Each contributes to the chains for others, not realizing he is obeying his.
The sense of duty and his desire to climb this great game, to get higher and higher is sufficient. Perpetrated in millions of minds, creating a self-healing system.
What then there is someone at the top of the pyramid, this ..

But here I am to the point.
models are the role of slavery that we are going to occupy the place where we go to sit on the global cinema. Not always, as is well known, the place we choose, more often choose among the remaining .

The psychological slavery arise because we are free beings, and therefore unfit for role of slaves.

We have a front line role, the role of the gods, or be at the top but fear being attacked, we can have a nice place but envying others. We can run
nonsense never stop to wonder why we have a role that we like and do not want to feed ourselves, we can finally be frustrated by our low profile and be saturated with anger.

And here is the six spheres samsara. Our six seats to be slaves.

But I keep telling myself that we are beings free, and therefore unsuitable for these roles ..


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