Thursday, May 10, 2007

Anon Realm Or Figment

A long journey in stages

Long pause,
but not for the thought that between an idea and the other went into a long computational loop. Between sunset and that only ideas that bloom, often already rotten wear that contaminates all the incipient consumer, you can end up in a hornet's nest of contradictions as in an underground fight tournament set on nothing less than the dream of a horizon.

Well, this is what can happen, not what necessarily or mere fatalism must happen.

happens then try to lucubrate something about Temporary Autonomous Zone, or the bad version of TAZ, if you have no idea what can be read here: bey / taz_cont.html

in Italian a little bit here on review dell'ononimo Bey's book:

Yes, the question is just this: you can create a companies in society? What would be the requirements? How can it survive and what conditions must come down with the company of masters?

A soft and spiritual anarchist, as my dear friend would say it is easily resolved and harmony can be created, in addition to terms that need to get off to survive, otherwise you would not if it's okay. Many libertarians would disagree: the revolution there must be and how. Mah.

not enough that groped. Meanwhile place in my head to post a photo processing, a sort of image-viewing, with only accidental defect of being static ..

dje ..


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