Thursday, May 17, 2007

Nike Freek Red Wrestling Shoes

Consumer Products

From Chapter 18 of Volume I'm writing as yet untitled ..

-It 's probably too good and too easy to get caught up in our lives recursive, not realizing that they are in effect circular. Imagine it like a whirlpool, a well. Each particle rotates in a circle inward, more and more inward, more and more until you reach the center and disappear. Of course, you ignore the fact that soon disappear in the middle of the well, but you look all that wheel with us and you can see it still. Power of the reference systems. Yes, the samsara is on this earth guys. And 'this land. Easy-flowing like water

makes a gesture with his hand, accompanying the thought away. Laurent is outside smoking.

"If we treat everything like a product to be consumed, we will come also treated as a consumer. Until we are productive, we will be consumed, exploited, used to maintain something that is above us, that we can not know. The can be given different names, company, country, what God wants done is something that is parasitic, without leaving us without giving us trapped in the vortex-escape to get out

makes a small pause, and holds a giggle.

tools in the hands of God-Consumer Products-

You grab with thumb and index finger to the top of the nose, rubbing his eyes. His expression is almost regal. He has something not interpretable. Fascinating.

-I leave you go, you liked the tea? - Part

a chorus of yes of course. It was excellent, almost evanescent.

-I decided to live in these planes because I spent all my energy to drag someone with me. I decided to run alone. My contribution to the whole point is to believe, and continue to believe that deep down every man there is respect and love, ability to live without overpowering others or anything around him. My contribution is to keep this fire-lit


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