Sunday, May 24, 2009

Letters From Penthouse Online

KUNVENO EN ROMO la 25an de majo ĈE OKAZO la 150a datreveno de naskiĝo de L.L. ZAMENHOF

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conference in Rome on May 25 as part of the 150th Birthday of LL Zamenhof

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Italian Esperanto Federation

Union of Italian Jewish Communities

Roma3 University - International Colloquium "Between East and West"

1905-1st International Congress in Boulogne sur Mer (France)

Rome, May 25, 2009,

LAZARUS LUDOVICO Zamenhof, jew and a world citizen: interpreter of Jewish emancipation and liberation of peoples.

Conference on the occasion of the 150th Birthday of LL Zamenhof.

9.30 Opening

Renato Corsetti, president of FEI,

Magiar Victor, Head of Culture UCEI

Moderate Gisele Levy (UCEI library)

10.00 Freud, the rebirth of modern Hebrew and the dream of a universal language.

Prof. David Meghnagi

10.45 coffee break

11.15 If I had not jew ........... .

Prof. Davide Astori

12.00 Debate

13.00 Conclusions

Rav Roberto Della Rocca, director of education and culture department UCEI

Work will take place at the Center for Bibliographical dell'UCEI, Lungotevere Sanzio, 5 Roma



Secretariat: Via Villoresi 38, 20143 Milano Tel / Fax 02.58100857, .

Renato Corsetti, renato.corsetti @ tel. 3286315655


Attachment (s) from Renato Corsetti

1 of 1 File (s)

Union of Italian Jewish Communities 4.doc

Zamenhof to Congress in 1905

plaque near the birthplace Zamenhof in Białystok.

(now in Poland, while in Belarus Tsarist)

SEE HISTORICAL NOTES (right column below)

LAZZARO LUDOVICO Zamenhof, jew and a world citizen.
Conference May 25 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Zamenhof. 150 years ago was born a jew who has changed the lives of millions of people, most of 'different backgrounds and identities'. UNESCO launched the celebration last December 15 with a conference in Paris. In July, thousands of people paid homage in his city 's hometown, Bialystok (Poland), in which the land' the Universal Congress of Esperanto, the international language by the doctor Ludwig Zamenhof, I try ', offering a media-neutral , to unite the people then and now, also divided by language misunderstandings. "Notice of our Congress... We intend to to thank the best 'value to Zamenhof, but above all, we wish to propose an important witness in the current world needs believers of different faiths, from Islam to Buddhism, Christianity, together with people of other faiths, with militant atheists who want to show that indeed there is a further possibility 'of dialogue, peace, understanding, "he said recently the president of the World Esperanto Association, the Indian linguist Probal Das Gupta." Perhaps not become Esperanto 'the common second language in the world, but certainly the message that it intends to launch, deserves attention and support. " In Italy the celebrations are open at the site the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, Bibliographical Center dell'UCEI, Lungotevere Sanzio, 5 in Rome, at a conference organized by EILU Italian Esperanto Federation and the University Roma 3 - International Colloquium "Between East and West" entitled LAZZARO LUDOVICO Zamenhof, jew and a world citizen: interpreter of Jewish emancipation and liberation of peoples. work, moderated by Gisele Levy and open at 9:30 am on Monday 25 May by greetings Renato Corsetti, president of FEI, and Victor Magiar, councilor for culture UCEI, see the actions of Prof. David Meghnagi 's Universita 'di Roma 3, Freud, the rebirth of modern Hebrew and the dream of a universal language, and Prof. Davide Astori, University 'di Parma, If I was not jew ..... At 13 concludes the work Rabbi Roberto Della Rocca, director of education and culture department UCEI. The Italian public has, therefore, an opportunity to pay tribute to one of the personalities 'humanity' as declared by UNESCO, and to inquire about the worldview of its founder, the roots of that vision in world of Eastern Europe and the current status of the Esperanto movement in Italy and Europe.


Esperanto Italy - FEI
Via Villoresi 38, 20143 Milano ,


ufficio.stampa @ esperantoitalia . it

Zamenhof tra i suoi collaboratori a Boulogne sur Mer


Sunday, May 3, 2009

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For some time the church in Pistoia has been enhanced with a new dimension of religious experience that combines the monastic and pastoral activity: the Fraternity of Jerusalem Apostolic . Nate
inspiration from Pierre-Marie , and Apostolic Monastic Fraternities of Jerusalem Monastic are a group that intends to show the love of God in the Heart of the City .
The members of the fraternity living in rented houses, which are not owned by them.
also share the habits and occupations of citizens, in the form of paid work done by their part-time in order to devote the rest of the day to prayer and Lectio Divina, then gather together for liturgical prayer in the church office of the community.
E ', as we see, a monastic who is not realized in the cloister but for " streets of the city: the Cloister of these communities and the city where you share the lives of all.

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A name expresses belonging, meaning a mission, calls a requirement. The name of Jerusalem said that the Society of Apostolic belongs to the Lord completely and forever, that his mission is to be bathed Love of God and to proclaim it with a life of holiness. Jerusalem :
- the city given by God to men, and built by men to God
- is the privileged place of man and God
- the town where Jesus has gone to worship, teach, die and resurrect
- the place of the blessed coming of the Spirit on the Church
- the place of the first communities premonastiche
- the place where the three religions Joined monotheistic are wonderfully and dramatically divided
- the promise of our ultimate reward (Heavenly Jerusalem)

Throughout our lives with the name Christ will call us to follow him: "here we go up to Jerusalem
reading the Scriptures, singing psalms, meditating on the Prophets, following in the footsteps of Christ in the Gospel for life teach us to leave Jerusalem.
This name will become for us as a key to the Scriptures, a constant invitation to conversion, repentance, praise, Holiness and Joy

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We members of the Fraternity of Jerusalem Apostolic share the same community life punctuated by personal and communal prayer.

Prayer is an intimate conversation with God, and God continually lends an ear to this inner voice ... The Eucharist is the culmination of continual prayer because the only way you can reach the highest degree of union with the brothers, with whom we form the Body of Christ, being members, each for its part, and with God who dwells in us, while we dwell in him.
The church has called us to be vigilant watchmen standing on the walls of the city ....

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Every day in the afternoon, the brothers and sisters of the Fraternity of Jerusalem Apostolic open their hearts to meditate on the Scriptures and in the benevolence of Lectio Divina.

"... let the Spirit in you the same mold core of the disciple and open to the joy of Your Divine Presence of Christ according to the promise (if one loves me, come to him and make our home with him). The secret of happiness lies in this: Blessed are those who delight in the law of the Lord and meditating on it day and night .. " ( Prayer Book of Life Chapter 2 )

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Adoration Eucharistic is an important time for the fraternity of the day.
All novices and non-students stopping in at least one hour per day before the Blessed Sacrament. The words of Jesus invite us to pause in adoration for the Father seeks worshipers in Spirit and truth (Gv.4, 23).
adoration of the Eucharistic mystery the Monaco and the nun are discovering the beauty of silence and dialogue of great tenderness of the risen Christ, who continually pours out on his church the Holy Spirit, "Love, will not fail her promise of love for you " (Book of Life).

The Fraternity of Jerusalem, wherever Pastoral services are doing, invite the faithful to worship the Lord in the Eucharist, by exposing the Sacrament throughout the day in the church where they are, especially in the fraternity of Pistoia adoration came just for the afternoon was Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration which turned into night and day, and consecrated lay people alternate every hour continuous adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Come and worship with us too.

Who want to subscribe to worship, please send an e-mail to: @ and will be contacted.

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P-hy God alone is worthy to receive all our praise and our worship.
P-er's life and thank him for everything he has given us.
P-er into the secret of his love.
-P er intercede for all humanity.
-P er plead for justice and peace in the world and pray for Christian unity.
P-er ask forgiveness for our sins and the conversion of the heart.
P-er find rest and refreshment leave from his living presence.
P-er ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit makes us witnesses of the Gospel in the world.
P-er to pray for our enemies and have strength to forgive them.
P-er ask the physical and spiritual healing and have the strength to resist evil.

COME all ye that labor and are Oppressed and I will give you rest '(Matt. 11:28)

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The fraternity is found 3 times a day for communal prayer:
Desert day for brothers and sisters
parish Mass at 18:30
Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday 07:15 hours
Morning Prayer (Church of St. Paul) following silent prayer in the chapel at 12:30 pm
Now Media
at 18:00
silent prayer at 18:30 Vespers and Mass
the moments are lived in the house of prayer, fraternity reserved
Mass at 16:00 children
09:00 am Morning Prayer 10:00 am
S. 12:00 am Mass
S. Mass at 18:30

silent prayer at 19:00 Second Vespers of Sunday