Sunday, May 3, 2009

Does A Hymen Look Like


A name expresses belonging, meaning a mission, calls a requirement. The name of Jerusalem said that the Society of Apostolic belongs to the Lord completely and forever, that his mission is to be bathed Love of God and to proclaim it with a life of holiness. Jerusalem :
- the city given by God to men, and built by men to God
- is the privileged place of man and God
- the town where Jesus has gone to worship, teach, die and resurrect
- the place of the blessed coming of the Spirit on the Church
- the place of the first communities premonastiche
- the place where the three religions Joined monotheistic are wonderfully and dramatically divided
- the promise of our ultimate reward (Heavenly Jerusalem)

Throughout our lives with the name Christ will call us to follow him: "here we go up to Jerusalem
reading the Scriptures, singing psalms, meditating on the Prophets, following in the footsteps of Christ in the Gospel for life teach us to leave Jerusalem.
This name will become for us as a key to the Scriptures, a constant invitation to conversion, repentance, praise, Holiness and Joy


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