Sunday, May 3, 2009

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Adoration Eucharistic is an important time for the fraternity of the day.
All novices and non-students stopping in at least one hour per day before the Blessed Sacrament. The words of Jesus invite us to pause in adoration for the Father seeks worshipers in Spirit and truth (Gv.4, 23).
adoration of the Eucharistic mystery the Monaco and the nun are discovering the beauty of silence and dialogue of great tenderness of the risen Christ, who continually pours out on his church the Holy Spirit, "Love, will not fail her promise of love for you " (Book of Life).

The Fraternity of Jerusalem, wherever Pastoral services are doing, invite the faithful to worship the Lord in the Eucharist, by exposing the Sacrament throughout the day in the church where they are, especially in the fraternity of Pistoia adoration came just for the afternoon was Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration which turned into night and day, and consecrated lay people alternate every hour continuous adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Come and worship with us too.

Who want to subscribe to worship, please send an e-mail to: @ and will be contacted.


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