Saturday, November 21, 2009

When Should Your Cervix Be High

Zamenhof and Stoppoloni EIGHTH PRIZE OF YESTERDAY: How adata? ...
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... We had a pleasant surprise because in the end, in addition to being awarded as always amazing people for their hard work in the field of human solidarity and brotherhood among peoples, and have listened to a wonderful final concert of young musicians ... Marche, a de facto award, namely the Mr. ANGEL WINDS, winner of "Premio Stoppoloni" (and of aid in cash) for his online journal and paper "" to demonstrate to the present with such simple but effective means he does (against) information many rural communities in mountainous areas of Abruzzo, has handed over the output, a special edition of his paper "/ sollevatiabruzzo", in which, as you can see from the scanned images, (to see better: 20SOLLEVATIABRUZZO/sollevati%%% 202009-12.pdf 20abruzzo ) already was printed everything about the evening of the same award and other matters concerning the world of Esperanto. And with the photo of another award, Mr. Ahmad Parsa . All printed during the concert! So, how not to reward effectiveness of such information despite knowing that these admirable people working with old-fashioned and inexpensive means such as an old mimeograph machine?
Thanks to Angelo twenties, all the other winners (see previous post) and those who organized this eighth success of the award-Zamenhof Stoppoloni!

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Portable Dvd Player Adjustable Straps

Zamenhof AWARD - AWARD Stoppoloni Umberto - November 20, 2009
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Umberto Stoppoloni

Prof. Roberto Mancini

Shel Shapiro

PRIZE AWARD Zamenhof Umberto Stoppoloni Italian Esperanto Federation Friday, November 20 2009, ore 21.00 ANCONA, experimental theater "Lirio ARENA"

free admission

AWARD "Zamenhof" The voices of peace

Edition 2009:

Spouses and Ahmad Parsa Hayedo

Inspired by the principles of the Baha'i religion, they moved to Africa where they have dedicated their lives to educating children and training of teachers according to the values \u200b\u200bof unity in diversity and the subsequent acceptance of all differences from the religious or racial hatred.

Roberto Mancini

Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Macerata with seriousness and rigor inform its scientific and educational activities to promote a genuine culture of peace , based on solidarity between peoples and human rights.

Shel Shapiro

commitment in the show is accompanied by the generous support and solidarity for social and humanitarian initiatives in education in Africa and Asia.

Award Umberto Stoppoloni "
Additions impossible

Edition 2009 :

Website: "

which in 1998 became an online newspaper with the aim of providing information in the mountains of Abruzzo.

will conduct the ceremony:

Francesca Alfonsi

Andrea Carloni

In collaboration with:

Economy Culture &

Gabriella Papini



And with the support of:

Province of Ancona Marche Region

Municipality of Ancona

Museum State Tactile Homer - Ancona

will conclude the evening concert
the Piano Quartet:

Laura Di Marzio, violin ,

Michael Zanotti, purple

Culiani Alexander, cello

Anna Lisa Sorcinelli, piano.

With music by Mozart and Schumann,

in collaboration with the Friends of Music Society "Guido Michelle .

Zamenhof 2008th Prize: Infanoj kiuj kantas esperantan himnon.
Zamenhof Prize 2008: children singing the anthem Esperanto.
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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Milena Velba - Miosotis

Atendante la 150an Datrevenon de Naskiĝo de L. L. Zamenhof: LA ESPERANTO EN INTERRETO - Hodiaŭa artikolo en "la Repubblica".

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Pending the 150th birthday of LL Zamenhof: ESPERANTO Online - Article today on "the Republic".

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Ĵaŭdon, la 12-a de novembro 2009, la ĉefa itala taggazeto, "La Repubblica" ("La Respubliko"), publikigis dukolumnan artikolon pri Esperanto. Sub la titolo "Nun Esperanto renaskiĝas interrete", ĝi prezentis skizan sed precizan raporton pri la nuntempa uzado de Esperanto (ne nur en Interreto), kaj ankaŭ enhavis intervjuojn al samideanoj Renato Corsetti kaj Michela Lipari.

Subskribis la tekston, kiu aperis en la kulturaj paĝoj de la gazeto, la ĵurnalisto Dario Pappalardo. La kerna aserto de la artikolo estas ke Esperanto, kvankam ne rapide disvastiĝinta laŭ la deziroj de siaj pioniroj, hodiaŭ travivas duan naskiĝon danke al la eblecoj disponigitaj de la modernaj komunikiloj, kiel Interreto. Por kapti la atenton de la leganto, la ĵurnalisto komencas per rekta mencio de la subskribkolektado por enkonduki Esperanton en usonajn lernejojn, kaj pri la abundo de esperantistaj paĝoj ĉe Tvitero, Jutubo kaj Vikipedio.

La artikolo evidentigas, ke Esperanto tutfacile lerneblas per Interreto danke al la retejo Lernu; ĝi ankaŭ substrekas la gravajn servojn ofertitajn rete de Itala Esperantista Junularo, kiu, ĉe la adreso, proponas senpagan kurson de Esperanto per retpoŝto, listigas ĉiujn Esperanto-eventojn en Italio kaj vendas la esperantigojn de famaj italaj komiksoj. Rezulte de la mencio de la retadreso sur la gazeto, la retejo de IEJ spertis duobliĝon de la averaĝa kvanto da vizitoj, kaj pluraj homoj aliĝis la Esperanto-kurson tie proponitan.

La artikolo enhavas intervjuojn al Renato Corsetti, laŭ kiu la nombro da esperantistoj tutmonde kalkuleblas je 2-3 milionoj, kaj Michela Lipari, kiu substrekas la gravecon de lingva demokratio kaj ankaŭ mencias, por tiuj kiuj interesiĝas pri la kreinto Zamenhof, la eseon "Zamenhof-Strato", kiun ŝi mem tradukis en la italan kaj publikigis ĉe ne-esperantista eldonejo antaŭ kelkaj monatoj. S.ino Lipari ankaŭ mencias la uzadon de Esperanto ekster la Reto, ne nur en Eŭropo, sed ankaŭ en Afriko kaj Ĉinio, en teatro kaj literaturo.

Fine, la artikolo skize resumas la lastajn proponojn pri la enkonduko de Esperanto kiel pontlingvo je eŭropa nivelo; ĝi rekte mencias la leĝproponojn de la eŭropaj parlamentanoj Gianfranco dell'Alba (en 2004) kaj Ljudmila Novak (dum januaro 2009).

Di Dario Pappalardo (la Repubblica , giovedì 12 novembre 2009):

« Obama , introduce Esperanto in schools, "reads the widespread international appeal on Facebook. Esperanto speakers Twitter messages and four YouTube videos (*) made all over the world, including De André's songs, translated from the " kantisto "Italian Gianfranco Springs. Wikipedia - even "Vikipedio" - has a whole website dedicated to the universal language. Enter the "Esperanto" on Google means you can scroll through 54 million results. So, what should become the language used from around the world - at least in the intentions of its creator, Ludwik Zamenhof , born exactly one hundred and fifty years ago - a century later takes his revenge on the Internet. Today to learn Esperanto, simply click on sites such as organizing a course and DIY: lessons are downloaded online or get free e-mail. To test the progress we can compare with a tutor or chatting on the net but then meet in person.


According to research by Sidney S. Culbert University of Washington, about two million people would be able to properly express themselves in artificial language established in 1887, when the Polish jew Zamenhof published the first book with grammar. A figure, in fact, difficult to define: "With web , it is impossible to control the spread of the language. Esperanto's claim to be 15 million, I believe it is between two and three million. Global conferences is the participation of 3000 people, "said Renato Corsetti, President of the Italian and Esperanto, since 2001 to 2007, head of the universal which is based in Rotterdam.

We are the youth of the Itala Esperanto Junularo, born in Milan in 1947, in addition to being active in the network (, organized the annual festival, promoting exchanges of hospitality with peers from around the world and are developing new translations: the last of those Rat-Man comics and Diabolik.

But what are the achievements of Esperanto? "The same origins. The Esperanto language proposes a democracy because it does not impose a culture on anyone, "said Michela Lipari, Esperanto in 1966 and editor of the book Street Zamenhof (Giuntina, pp. 280, € 15) dedicated to the founder. "It is no coincidence that today in Africa is spreading as the language of rebellion than the colonizers. In China, universities are beginning to ask staff to teach it. The planet is already a reality in a microcosm of working families, theater and literature. If the English dominates today, tomorrow it could be otherwise. And the grammar of Esperanto, composed of just sixteen rules, is certainly more approachable than China. "

The international community, outside of the Internet, does not seem to have accepted this logical step: the Union European Union remains cold. After the text dell'europarlamentare radical Gianfranco Dawn , rejected in 2004, the latest proposal to use Esperanto as a lingua franca in the EU goes back to January and the Slovenian Ljudmila Novak.

"Yet, in contexts such as the European Union, the use of an artificial language in the drafting of legislation can be positive," is the opinion of Tullio De Mauro, who in 1995 wrote the 'introduction to the Handbook of Esperanto Bruno Migliorini. 'In this case - continues the the old language - the use of a neutral language avoids nationalistic fights. Esperanto, however, seems less interesting than the universalist perspective. "

The people on Facebook who speaks Esperanto remains the hope that Obama answers the call.


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