Saturday, November 21, 2009

When Should Your Cervix Be High

Zamenhof and Stoppoloni EIGHTH PRIZE OF YESTERDAY: How adata? ...
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... We had a pleasant surprise because in the end, in addition to being awarded as always amazing people for their hard work in the field of human solidarity and brotherhood among peoples, and have listened to a wonderful final concert of young musicians ... Marche, a de facto award, namely the Mr. ANGEL WINDS, winner of "Premio Stoppoloni" (and of aid in cash) for his online journal and paper "" to demonstrate to the present with such simple but effective means he does (against) information many rural communities in mountainous areas of Abruzzo, has handed over the output, a special edition of his paper "/ sollevatiabruzzo", in which, as you can see from the scanned images, (to see better: 20SOLLEVATIABRUZZO/sollevati%%% 202009-12.pdf 20abruzzo ) already was printed everything about the evening of the same award and other matters concerning the world of Esperanto. And with the photo of another award, Mr. Ahmad Parsa . All printed during the concert! So, how not to reward effectiveness of such information despite knowing that these admirable people working with old-fashioned and inexpensive means such as an old mimeograph machine?
Thanks to Angelo twenties, all the other winners (see previous post) and those who organized this eighth success of the award-Zamenhof Stoppoloni!

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