Sunday, November 15, 2009

Portable Dvd Player Adjustable Straps

Zamenhof AWARD - AWARD Stoppoloni Umberto - November 20, 2009
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Umberto Stoppoloni

Prof. Roberto Mancini

Shel Shapiro

PRIZE AWARD Zamenhof Umberto Stoppoloni Italian Esperanto Federation Friday, November 20 2009, ore 21.00 ANCONA, experimental theater "Lirio ARENA"

free admission

AWARD "Zamenhof" The voices of peace

Edition 2009:

Spouses and Ahmad Parsa Hayedo

Inspired by the principles of the Baha'i religion, they moved to Africa where they have dedicated their lives to educating children and training of teachers according to the values \u200b\u200bof unity in diversity and the subsequent acceptance of all differences from the religious or racial hatred.

Roberto Mancini

Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Macerata with seriousness and rigor inform its scientific and educational activities to promote a genuine culture of peace , based on solidarity between peoples and human rights.

Shel Shapiro

commitment in the show is accompanied by the generous support and solidarity for social and humanitarian initiatives in education in Africa and Asia.

Award Umberto Stoppoloni "
Additions impossible

Edition 2009 :

Website: "

which in 1998 became an online newspaper with the aim of providing information in the mountains of Abruzzo.

will conduct the ceremony:

Francesca Alfonsi

Andrea Carloni

In collaboration with:

Economy Culture &

Gabriella Papini



And with the support of:

Province of Ancona Marche Region

Municipality of Ancona

Museum State Tactile Homer - Ancona

will conclude the evening concert
the Piano Quartet:

Laura Di Marzio, violin ,

Michael Zanotti, purple

Culiani Alexander, cello

Anna Lisa Sorcinelli, piano.

With music by Mozart and Schumann,

in collaboration with the Friends of Music Society "Guido Michelle .

Zamenhof 2008th Prize: Infanoj kiuj kantas esperantan himnon.
Zamenhof Prize 2008: children singing the anthem Esperanto.
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