Thursday, November 23, 2006

Star Wars Pinewood Car

dreams of decadence.

deaths that speak to me, and not only that but they want to speak absolutely, completely healthy people and more or less young people aged and sick, or at least pleasant atmosphere of normal clogged with smoke and decay, where decay is taken to include structural. Symbols that persecute me, and remain imprinted in my mind, with their symmetries and asymmetries of power, voice-overs that sing truth knowable.
difficulty in maintaining clarity, even if you are aware.
All in a dream, of course.

I have not seen too many movies (or even less than average, at least I suppose).
not crazy in pathological (schizophrenia is under control, for the moment).
I'm not doing any kind of systematic use of drugs (but everything is a drug, like everything is art, if you look around at least a sufficiently large).

cultivate trance states naturally induced, but I do not think that these centers (at least not in a cause-effect relationship).

happen more than twice in the same place in the dream is already a scary thing, but if you add to this the fact that these dreams are nearly always aware, I start to worry. And if these dream visions are almost all, and I talk a good eighty percent, decaying cities and buildings, people who are dead or dying, friends or relatives aged horribly, I would say that we have not.

Two other details.
'm a sunny person, even if I love the autumn.
I do not believe in destiny and are not fatal, because eroding that fantastic definition that is so dear to me that freedom. The conclusions are

.. explore, even when the sleep tends to be a struggle. And try to remember, because even the lucid dreams tend to fade, with the sound of the alarm, maybe a little 'more slowly.


PS Thanks for this honest deserno ~ / scripts / diff_geom / diff_geom.pdf

Monday, October 30, 2006

Monoatomic Gold In Pregency

Models of slavery - Part Two

"There will be a future generations a method drug to love people the servants of their condition and then produce dictatorships, as it were, without tears, a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies in which people will be deprived of their liberty in fact, but it will be quite happy "
Aldous Huxley

view of the presented models of slavery inspired by Vajrayana Buddhism in the first part, a few words I would put it.

At least for the fottutoventunesimosecolo.

Slavery requires a master. O masters.
Slavery implies a chain.
The most effective weapons to keep in captivity are propaganda and creation needs.

chase each other and feed off each other.
Luckily I'm old enough to have witnessed a striking example of the creation of needs: the phone. I've seen the evolution from exclusive gadget working on gadgets and unique enough to essential consumer goods.

Essential . Here's the magic word. There are so worried about drugs, fighting addiction, when everything is turning into drugs, thousands of new branches were created and are being born. Question: Why so much rage and more on drugs, at least with those designed dall'accezione common because it is important Prohibition?
Answer: because the dependencies want to decide their .

But they who?
Who are the masters?
thousand words have been spoken about, I will not name a one thousand more. The hunt is open to anyone wishing to hunt at your own risk.
E 'David hunts Goliath, but first he must realize that Goliath is inside him.
My suggestion on this issue is that the system self-sustaining, as it had been created something independent, a living and intelligent. A mechanism for producing slaves. At the base but there are no robots, but men. You created the idea in the minds of most of the work for a just cause, for a society for the betterment of society. Each contributes to the chains for others, not realizing he is obeying his.
The sense of duty and his desire to climb this great game, to get higher and higher is sufficient. Perpetrated in millions of minds, creating a self-healing system.
What then there is someone at the top of the pyramid, this ..

But here I am to the point.
models are the role of slavery that we are going to occupy the place where we go to sit on the global cinema. Not always, as is well known, the place we choose, more often choose among the remaining .

The psychological slavery arise because we are free beings, and therefore unfit for role of slaves.

We have a front line role, the role of the gods, or be at the top but fear being attacked, we can have a nice place but envying others. We can run
nonsense never stop to wonder why we have a role that we like and do not want to feed ourselves, we can finally be frustrated by our low profile and be saturated with anger.

And here is the six spheres samsara. Our six seats to be slaves.

But I keep telling myself that we are beings free, and therefore unsuitable for these roles ..

Friday, October 20, 2006

Microsoft Messenger For Mac Change Name

Models of slavery. - Part One Interview with Master Ching

I happened recently to reflect on the patterns of contemporary slavery.
Translated: we play to understand "how I am a slave, and as you are a slave!" An important

schematization, surprisingly current, comes from Buddhism Vajrahyana, when speaking of the six spheres of distraction samsaric or six kinds of lives subject to conditions.
Translated: the six types of slavery.

Now, I'm not very fond of and accustomed to the classifications, or otherwise believe they are a way as any to "split a continuous ", but the fact that this scale has a few thousand years at least makes me think.

Paradigm 1: God.
absorption in themselves. Successful complete or nearly complete certain objectives, success then, in a certain field, or absorption in the full research dell'apoteosi causes a "trance ego," or you become the target itself, or running towards it . The fall is always disastrous.

Paradigm 2: The god himself "evil."
The race to reach a goal is continuous, without stopping, and any outside interference is interpreted as harmful or potentially harmful. Paranoia and concern are key features. The fall is always present.

Paradigm 3: The man and his envy.
A person identifies with a lifestyle, with what is his and what is not his. Its materialism becomes his world. You look around much, and is constantly in a state of "envy" towards those who are similar and him, but better than him, according to his aesthetic model. Tiny big falls alternate with moments of pause.

Paradigm 4: The race without the sense of the animal.
I am sorry to use the term "animal" with a negative connotation, but I take the vocabulary of the original classification. A continuous, that feeds on itself and self-justification, taken to extremes, in a mad rush aimlessly, without exchange or comparison with others, no sense of humor or pause for reflection, crushing and trampling when necessary.

Paradigma5: The consumer desires.
Would you follow each other like, without ever reaching emancipation. The more obstacles, the greater the dissatisfaction. But even more are obtained more as future desires and the consequent frustration.

Paradigm 6: The aggressive spirit.
The aggression is continuing unabated. The anger is blind, frustration and dissatisfaction companions Travel. No time for success, as it feeds on aggression itself.

So, I know you said it seems the horoscope, but it is a sketch not be underestimated.
The reason is there for everyone, but it is easier to stop that run, especially when we teach it to come before the world. Early models
second part of slavery ..
Collect them all!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What Does Creuset Mean?

Interviewer: Honest, that there is no need to explain ..

Q: kill a fly? a cat? a person? Why are the plants?
I wanted to know when life becomes valid to be preserved ...

Life is always important, regardless. To make more concrete my definition, and to distance themselves from the same type of response that I think would also Ruini, by specifically invoking the concept of invasiveness.
That act so that my existence is the least intrusive way possible. This in relation to other people, animals, plants, all that exists. The choice not to eat animals is a choice that minimizes the invasiveness, that's all. Also feed as the feed ourselves we end up indirectly in the plant that has fed the animal. Also, the performance of the chain. The first question the answer is no, not kill, even if it rarely happens with the flies (and mosquitoes, for god ..). And a claim to personal integrity means that I do not delegate the burden of killing someone else because I do not have the strength, the strength if you want to call. If we were to survive, I might be forced to do so, but between survival and the common wealth passes an ocean.

Q: The title Master if it imposes or is imposed?

The name Master comes from "great" or "greatest", then there is no point referring to me. But taking up the pattern of the Diamond Sutra and referred to an enlightened being, just because there is no master, he may be called Master.

Q: In neighborhoods where the sun does not god good from the rays of the old city
, how should people behave? I abhor violence, you have
fear? There is a reason why violence is appropriate?

Violence is one to which the masses are subjected, especially in poor countries, every single day. But also the freedom of each of us is raped daily by rules and regulations, most without any sense. I firmly believe that the greater the awareness, more diminish the needs and tolerance to the rules. Paraphrasing Malatesta, the man used to living in logs, and forced to live with them you become attached to the point of believing that their own to ensure survival.
violence as a rebellion of the oppressed can be a fascinating concept, but I do not think is the solution. I think first and foremost is a need for greater awareness. The first tactic is to enslave a daze, remove the ability to learn, understand, and this is the first wall to be removed because the sun back up the entire city.

Q: Do you think spirit or spirituality? If so, s / he appears
into something tangible? Do you think the human ability to abstract (or
doubt the ability to thought) is related to it?

No. Simply because I do not distinguish between the material and the spiritual. Abstract is to split, well I think now is the time to unite.
It 's easy refuge in spirit, thinking, abstract, intelligible, and can be a way to deal with or remove the fear of death. But the real challenge is to find their spirituality eating, driving, washing dishes.

Q: What do you do when reports of mold-induced
their social work occupations (but not only)
bring you in contact with individuals without a brain?

Some say that there is to learn from everyone. Some say there is nothing to learn.
In any event, before getting lost in thought on the commission say that the karmic irony is an excellent weapon, especially when we talk with those who did not want to listen, or who just want to talk, or worse, wants to teach.

Q: consider your state of "intellectual" or a superior condition
Einstein reborn as a plumber would you do?

simply banish the definition of "superior" or "lower" from my vocabulary, because it implies a hierarchical view.
I seek refuge in the terms "difference" and "opportunity."

Q: What are individuals past and future where you get your inspiration?

I am inspired by all the rebels, those who obey the law do not act for gain and loss, by those who question the usefulness of rules and controls associated with them.

Q: Do not you ever want to cry?

Sometimes empathy makes bad jokes, and yes, it can happen to cry.

Q: Did you know that google is my interview with
fifth place?

Hold Back the complaint ... (ndr came in a somehow ..)

Q: You get up in the morning for some particular reason? would you sleep?

I get up because I no longer sleep, because I am aware that this is the life I live, and somehow must be addressed. A person can accept living in a system with certain rules, either because it has the power to change them, either because the shares. I do not agree most, but the road to change is up and full of obstacles, and the first freedom is the one that comes from personal desire.

Q: Do you believe in relationships between people "eternal"? understood in the sense
sentimental-sexual and emotional / empathetic / friendly ...

Eternity presupposes a concept of time, but someone shows us that time is determined by the changes. E 'useless to oppose the change because there is nothing that will not change.
This does not mean that the temporary debasing things, in fact I think the more precious. The claim of eternity almost always implies an attachment visceral, and a consequent fear of death.
A friend of mine would say, "sooner or later the silicone tits Palmas will start to fall .."

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Mammals Vs Reptiles Oxygen

emmedivi2006 (movement)

Things can be read in two ways: with the emotions and with numbers.

With numbers we can say that there were about 300 (three hundred, yes, to be mad) participants, first in front of Chris Gabriel, Albert and Paul, while among women Stellina has taken home the hoard, with behind Elena , Claudia and Gio (I would not be wrong). It can be said that there was a myriad of top, so to finish the cards, a slaughterhouse in turn taken on those c * ZZO wooden floors (beautiful, however, I do not like the Alpine), who knows how many tens of edges that are not permitted by brincar sharpers (but who cares in the end, I will never make the beer as Malatesta put it), and last but not least the many accidents, so that these should not be overlooked, including two fractures (Rosie, Barbara, I'm sorry really really much) and seven eight and similar distortions.

With emotions but you can say much more, although it is much harder to communicate. That Chris
that gloves on top of the Super Final, between the screams of the audience and climbing it in a monstrous way, having heralded two shits (it is to be trust, were really two Merdin), and then with the joy of a kid throws the bag of chalk to the crowd from there .. Well Chris, thank goodness you're there!

Then showers drunk jumping here and there, a central pole while walking, kissing Gabri at the awards ceremony, we test with the sweet girls that the captain at gunpoint, and then the motto that always smiling and very efficient giving evidence to what is close to being a bodhisattva, and what about the foot slipped in the final Leoncini, c * ZZO Paul jinx, no one knew why, then-Nardi said Edoarzio-that demonstrates a technique and an unparalleled patience, even with their children, as well as keeping bad (needs how he had imagined and climbed the Super Final in phase tracking), the carboy attached to the end of the race while I was looking for funds polenta, and then die as the stranded whales to drink alcohol with the Congregation of the Holy Monregalese, whose bonelli , Turkish, Borgna, Axel, Kledi and many others.
My first big experience of tracing has been a blast, what about ..
And thanks to the two biggest real heart of the parterre, the Lollo and Luis, that while all locksmith helped us remove the blocks and assembles the final.

All things that the numbers can not be described, little things perhaps, but not the ones that make us smile more, and move if necessary, and take good in general?

Okay, rankings and other numbers leave them to specialized sites (although I note that the great twelfth Gian arrived!). Among the small

wrong notes, in addition to the four sharpers take notes, the fact that I was not even mentioned in official reports of smear, but I care relatively, the glory is a shit one way, and ultimately the people that call the bailiffs at eleven and a half for the concert, it takes more melancholy note at the bottom, thank goodness we have learned to beat ..

Everything else is to be terminated.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Notice Telescope Edu Science

Rage Against The Machine Soul

Rage Against the Machine is the name crossover of a famous band, disbanded in 2000 when GWB was elected (elected?) president of the united states of america, maybe the band was able to give more meaning to the word crossover in terms of musical, social and political.
But Rage Against the Machine and more. It 'slogan, is a scream, is an essential reminder to say I do not know, something like ..
"remember not to be a slave."

The machine is the gear's daily life, moderation is the politically correct, is the fear, is the global market, are the ambitions of power, are the limitations that imposes on you. And 'the institution, it is injustice, are the strains of a prisoner, is the trusted computing, are the rules that we do not understand, do not want.

But the most striking thing is that on the cover of Rage's first album there's a famous photo, a photo of a Buddhist monaco, monaco a Vietnamese Zen, a Vietnamese Zen monaco in flames. His name was
Thich Quang Duc, and his story is one that perhaps best represents the message of the words "Rage Against The Machine."

Thich Quang Duc, born Lam Van Tuc, was slain on June 11, 1963. As with any act monaco zen is a need to specify the purpose. His was just an act, but an act of profound and infinite compassion. If you really want to seeking a social motivation, or motor for this action, you can find in the war in his country divided and oppressed by social and religious persecution in violent interference by foreign countries, in the people who savaged divisions in the name of hairpieces, flags with the face of hatred, for the survival of "the machine".

The site dedicated to him is a beautiful poem, the author is called Drew Logan, I took the liberty to translate it (you do not intend to domino domino, but I think is meant by the Vietnam Domino Theory ):

They said you were an addict
He said you were a communist
They said you were just an old rincitrullito
They did not say anything about your spirit
not they said nothing of your courage
They did not say anything about your compassion
heart of Saigon, Phan Dinh Phung angle and Le Van Duyet
South eleven of June, millenovecentosessantatre
front of the world you have sacrificed.
Lam Van Tuc, the old boy of seven years
He gave his life to become a knowing Monaco
Thich Quang Duc, a Monaco of sixty-seven years old
He gave his life knowing that I become a saint.
They talked about the issue of communication domino

spoke of freedom
They did not say anything about the civil war
They did not say anything about the Buddhist
not have said anything oppression
heart of Saigon, Phan Dinh Phung angle and Le Van Duyet
eleven noon of June, before the whole world millenovecentosessantatre
you sacrificed.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

How Much Are Earrings Worth

Jerome accurately points out:

do not know why I'm going to write certain things.
Carryover from Repubblicaonline:
Even the animals have a soul. Sustains an Italian two.
not carry the text of the article, but talks about the results of a survey.

First Soul, by wiki.
According to the Platonic and Gnostic dualism, the soul is by nature a symbol of purity and spirituality. Has its origin in the divine breath (hence the meaning of the word, ie wind, breath). For Plotinus the soul is the third hypostasis, whose essence is immortal, intellectual and divine. [...]
According to the Gnostic opposition between God (Perfection, right) and Matter (imperfection, evil), the soul would have been dropped from God in a material body and would have been contaminated by the intrinsic evil of matter itself.

Ending quotes here, the soul in the most traditional sense of the term thus seems to suggest two things: the existence of a god and immortality.

1) the existence of a god, (not only mine, I would say, as doubt). We say that the existence of a god higher than man puts man in a position of inferiority in relation to it, feeding still more general paradigm of hierarchical god-man-animals-other. Sbilanciamoci so saying again that the existence of a god, if proven, would have the advantage, for the man, to leave open a door to
2) immortality, which, if one admits the existence of a god as a separate than would be nothing more than a doubt. With a god-top, however, would come in very classic paradigm of the god-father-judge.
3) Back to Article Republic of doubts about the vagueness of the definition of an animal (which, under the eyes of all, contains the same etymological root of the term soul). All animals have a soul? Only someone? None?

We postulate now the principle of equality, at least to say: God = man = animal (where, however, for god there is any living entity can not be perceived with our senses, then virtually nonexistent, or virtually any, then it changes) .

would continue to remain so doubt 1, would be insignificant at this point, however, since this kind of god can not guarantee immortality. The two certainly would not have reason to exist anymore, because at this point, we could easily forget the immortality there (without a god-Supervisor-court), except by invoking an interesting contrivance, of Hindu origin and taken up by some schools of Buddhism as the karmic wheel of reincarnation.

Let us invoke him.

If god = man = animal (and I stop here to simplify), then we might end up "reincarnation" as gods, men or animals, that the soul would be transported from one existence to another (preserving the remember? do not keep?) and so on until the end of time.

The third question you kill him now saying that the sign would = the same plane all animals, including mosquitoes. Then or soul exists for all or for none. Including mosquitoes.

Also for the principle of equality, if the soul does not exist for man, there the gods, and even for animals. And we should be content with this life.

Forget any solutions "discrete," which tricks the brain-like mass that exceeds a certain threshold may involve the presence of the soul-,-l 'extension of the principle of equality would mean more to the inanimate world extensions of the concept of the soul (The soul touching) - etc. .. Why

soul remains perhaps the most simple on which to debate, that this remarkable invention (or guess) would allow us to position ourselves more confidently in front of the second question, moving more or less slightly from the immortality so-so slightly and calming the fear of death.

To take away by the incredible complications, perhaps the easiest solution seems to finally be to forget the soul in general, and prepare for the inevitability of death. O admit a general definition of soul as much as possible, and prepare the next life by mosquitoes.


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Rubber Band Ligation Recovery

Interview with Honest ... The

That is what most average man, at least as he defines it. Unfortunately, this interview took place via email, so I did not have time to explain exactly what I meant with any questions. The sense of themselves, however, he is not missed (and imagine ...), so good reading, and thanks honest!

Honest-Well, first of all, tell the average man ..
-Gran ugly beast! I must admit that shares suffered from difficult questions, but then as you might otherwise keep our humanity '? We are a bit 'all average men, in the sense that we are part of that statistical sample that is shaping our society. We are selfish with ourselves, generous with the devil.

-The presence of a God do you worry?
Why young? Our presence may disturb God? the idea of \u200b\u200ban entity such as a higher God, the gods, karma, the pussy itself as the customs of rationality came at the far edge of the explainable rational even the average man, even the baker comes to wonder "what the fuck alive to do? ". Unfortunately, science can not (at least I think) to answer this question: we are dust and dust you shall return, unless it is treated as a demand response to atavism, I think that 99% of people welcomed him with a terse "but you're out." To stick to the question, I personally am indifferent to the possible presence of a God and so this does not worry me, but Explanation: but God's purpose would have had in creating us? To be worship? because to me it looks like in all religions, this is precisely the key point: the worship, do not give any of the dogmas of faith, transucammazione, the Council of Nicea, the important thing is to believe in God, "God is with us "The Nazis had written on the buckle of the belt, no matter if the devil would not like these fucking worshipers! God could not have created us with inherent the dogma of belief? What can I do if so much of free will then be judged without appeal? "Just follow the rules of the holy book" I already feel challenging, but dear caller, referring to the Bible, how can a text written by persons unknown, updated every few years to adapt to the times, made in its most 'modern by an empire Roman decided to accept as part of text only 4 of the 30 gospels that were circulating at the time, they can erect a moral institution of a certain religion in the third millennium?

-Do you believe in socialism?
start first of all on what socialism means: I take inspiration from the Wikipedia [...] Socialism is opposed to liberalism initially classical liberalism that postulate in economics, but asked the nationalization or socialization of all or part of the economy and the means of production. Challenges the idea of \u200b\u200bneutrality of state institutions than the class struggle and fighting for a change in the role of the state or even in the version advanced by Karl Marx and recovery from anarchism, to eliminate it .[...] Then the question arises: what does it mean to believe? I believe that socialism would "triumph"? I believe that society needs a change? I believe that socialism can be the change advocated for social justice? I think the world today is based on injustice and inequality and why do I want the "oppressed minority" or because I think it a mistake to think that ideally needs to be changed, the way to do this is probably the most interesting question, but here we end up on criminal ....
sure to read these:

-Do you think the revolution is a necessary step? And, more generally, how do you start from the violence?
If humanity in general 'or `people want to" grow "and I think it means' in the self-determination and freedom to do that, then it is necessary to setup a radical change of society: a Revolution indeed! In the current configuration of the democratic society where I / we live is a farce institutionalized democracy, such as socialism, has expressed in recent years its limits' strong: our life is dominated at every level of reality So that you are totally detached from the practices of real people, just think of the consumption of drugs such as marijuana or hashish even being consumed by a large proportion of the population are found to be prohibited as `civil society believes it to be harmful to quiet life, too bad no one is ever died from consuming THC (this is probably not happen unless making is never hit with a block of 50 kg of Afghan) While alcohol is sold very well without any problem because it now is in modern culture (perhaps because 'in Italy is full of vineyards, while Marijuana will grow very little in spite of the origin of the name "Canavese"). Unfortunately, this extends to all areas of life.

-Is it true that you're fat?
According to my scale it should be on trying to win opulence ...

-Exclude the presence of supernatural entities, even inorganic?
me how a supernatural entity could be organic? If you're referring to the soul of the dead or the like, I can only say that my soul would exclude from the scientist, However, I have often heard of incidents against the rational-thinking that they put me in doubt ... I have no proof that there is no say as a result does not exclude, inorganic or not ...

-Science, in your opinion, how far you can push?
say that I do not understand in what sense might lead you to explain herself (who knows `what do you think Goedel ...).

Palmas or the prefer-Canalis? Ù
treating them both as industrial products of sexual demagoguery, I can say I prefer more 'as the Palmas have remade the Breast 2x years means that it is just tr ...

------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
"The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today, in my opinion is the true source of evil. We see before us a huge community of producers, whose members strive unceasingly to deprive another of the fruits of their collective work, not by force but, overall, loyal complicity with the lawful order. "
A. Einstein

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Is 20mg Of Xanax Alot?

A bottle of bubble bath in balance on the thin frame of the shower. You take it, lay it, he falls and you can only curse his luck. You must, all rotten, pull it up before he respects, worse in the shower or outside, on the floor in front of it.

With water soap in the eyes or wetting the floor. You have no escape.

But the man at this point can go on, reflect.

What is the center of the bottle full? Suppose for simplicity that is a perfect cylinder with a circular base, or elliptical, however plausible approximation. When is the full center of mass is halfway up the bottle.

obvious consideration: the bottle is more stable as it is in its low center of gravity.

The system-bath foam is composed of two parts: the outer bottle and the liquid inside. The center of gravity of the container and is thus always about halfway up, while the center of gravity of the fluid is half height (we consider a constant density) the amount of liquid present at that time in the bottle.

If, as I said, the bottle is full, the two centers of gravity coincide, at half height. When it starts to empty, the center of gravity of the liquid begins to drop, and with it the focus of the entire system. But not forever.
When the bubble bath is finished, in fact, the bottle is empty, and its center of gravity will again be half the height of the container.

However, what is the magic height at which the system's center of gravity is lower, then the structure more stable, and I can feel more comfortable in supporting the bottle on the door jamb?

Like a whirlwind attacks me a metaphor for life: if we only care about the envelope, the structure is very unstable if you are concerned about the appearance but the inner content, he will be equally unstable.

The trick is to find the best balance, which is a point difficult to calculate, and continually changing. One point that does the influence of content and container. Because the system is inseparable, and both are important.
A change in the amount of content brings an imbalance of the whole. But really exist

a container and a content, or is an immense taken for a ride?
An imbalance may lead to a fall, but dropped to where?

Monday, June 26, 2006

Sims 3 Egypt, Finding The Relic Of Eternity

Write in and out of life and imagination ... Lucid dreaming

Unfortunately, greed and the hectic pace of the consumer society which means that I am part of my time is limited, sometimes concentrated in self-defense not be limited to no dependence or being involved in everything from the syndrome unaware of the slave.

Then I feed the freedom that I have available, that will not sell to discounters rather not sell their own, and I look to find the time, sitting on the balcony of my house next to bonsai growing abuse from the floor of the terrace , defying every law of nature, and this hot pork, which get on the pen and try to use the black ink with the utmost originality becomes spontaneous as the roar of a waterfall in a mountain stream, where water does not hold up but leaves dangling down and roaring towards its destination. Thus, the ink can turn a spot in a permanent witness of a life impermanent, in a coded language that nevertheless limited and can transcend its purpose, its limitations, the place it describes.

I intend to continue to write "Five Star", which appeared as the first goal I wanted "in installments" Blog, but the intention is above reason, and I have to give up. I keep next to my bonsai, without haste, breathing the fresh air of the absence of some constraints. O dream into chaos.
But I'm confident. Meanwhile

use the blog as a blog, and I launch into the adventure of the interviews, after that happened to Rocco in a blissful spring afternoon. The next victim will be Fair, and unlike Rocco he will answer the questions without going through my cognitive filter.

Meanwhile the search for my personal freedom also came from here: where there is so much material to download (books books), but only in English, damn imperialists! (I sneers ...) For example
twenty-six (ventisei!) books on Mahayana! And from there you come here too: ! Directly from Lucio!

You can then cook your brain going from here:

Good food,


Monday, June 19, 2006

Wanted To Make A Folder In Root Folder Of Linux

The lucid dreaming is simply a dream in which one becomes aware that you are dreaming.
I write this because just the other night it happened to me the most lucid and conscious dream of my life (surprise ...).

This is just a personal introduction to the topic, I might as well sooner or later to describe the dream, I opened doors that I did not even exist (disbelief ...).

lucid dreams I have discovered the magic by reading books of Castaneda several years ago (I read them all, cheers to the fanaticism ...). E 'was an extraordinary experience. Incredible to imagine that the dreams you can manage, control, almost like another life to live consciously. I make a brief introduction to lucid dreaming. And I assure you, it's all true, is not science fiction, I have tried everything on my skin. Only, do not have quickly.
for a while 'bibliography, I recommend reading "The Art of Dreaming" by Carlos Castaneda, a milestone. Oh my God, is fictional, I think, but the incredible thing is that its techniques, at least the ones I tried on my skin, they work. So why ask the dilemma every reader of lobotomized Carlos:-Is it true or is all fiction? -.

After pushing his books in the only direction I love, or the quest for personal freedom. And there is nothing that makes you feel more free with the ability to manage at will the dream body.
No, not at the fifteenth barrel. For body I mean the dream of our bodies, what we feel him in my dreams .. There is not ever feel embarrassed to move in the dream, running, talking, as if the body does not belong there? Well, it's only a matter of custom, practice, will, like everything in life. I call him learn to manage the dream body, not practice magic, no new-age hippies, only one more potential. How

site links, you can read in English on the website of the Lucidity Institute, Stanford, , where even retired professors doing research on lucid dreaming. They even invented a contraption, the NovaDreamer, as you can dream of sending flashes of light, which are perceived by the sleeper, who realizes that you are seeing in a dream, realizing that it is time to become aware and try to handle it.

And here one of the key points.

I know for sure now that attention is a part of the awareness transmitted normal, everyday, to that of the dream. If I believe in the dream-tonight if I see a flash of light I understand that I'm dreaming, and I think once, twice, twenty times, maybe not tonight, not tomorrow night, but sooner or later this information is transferred from the normal to the unruly conscience conscience body's dream. Similarly, if I want I want I want to dream a certain person, a certain place, or just have a lucid dream can I be sure that I will live or see him or a lucid dream. Tested on my skin, and skin of people I know very well.

There is also an Italian site that I found which looks interesting, it's called , seems well made but does not guarantee, I found it recently. I'm always afraid of that drifts new-age pro-superstitious that instead of giving them freedom removed, bringing down the winding road of fanaticism. (Hey but you ...)
There is also a wiki page in English, , and a somewhat 'less comprehensive in Italian .

The things that I'd be able to make lucid dreaming in the future are, and here it is forbidden to laugh - see me in a dream while I sleep in my bed
-seek certain persons in the dream, and see if you can, or the sci-fi seek each other in a dream (it seems possible to some research of lucidity)
- (here is the fantastic true) test in a dream to change objects in reality (I know I do not believe it myself, but why not try ? And if Castaneda was right?)

Among other things, in Vajrayana Buddhism as I understand it uses techniques of lucid dreaming, and this increases further my curiosity, even if a good estimator of zen I do not believe in special techniques to achieve enlightenment, even as Dogen says, maybe there is not even lighting.

the good reader ..

Monday, June 12, 2006

Tiffany Granath Stats

Reclaim the Streets 2006!

It 's a quiet evening in midsummer when, armed with the right spirit subversive, Lele step to take in Mondovi. The destination is a place almost unknown in Turin. Let's go, beautiful and damned. Tonight we made the revolution. And we will not fail. The first incident institutional
is now in Turin, an intermediate step to take two friends revolutionaries. One comes, the other late. Precedes the police.
-Documents-close and inside.
Our salt antagonism. Meanwhile

lose five minutes behind that piece of paper that we identify and label the eyes of the State protean that permeates everything and that unleashes their attack dogs to make sure that the order is strictly observed and sadly even at the expense of happiness, piece Paper represented at that meeting by the ID card Lele, Saving Silverman eyes plucked out of the suit with blue-black was not even a porn magazine ..

And our rooms even antagonism.

Where are you going guys? -
-Well, we thought of making a short visit to a gathering of climbing on the buildings, obviously unfair to take back the streets and our freedom! -
.. I whale on the head, but:-Nothing, expect our friend Turin, to exit a po'-
-Where? -
-Eccheccazzovenefrega? - but still I'm holding
-Murazzi-say, looking fragile.
(laughter ..)
"Good evening, boys, and pay attention to down-Murazzi

And you go, content to make the figure of the three Barotti Cuneo looking for easy fun in the great city, dressed in rags from mountain . Luckily they did not see the crash pad. Now we are ready when


How many are there? 100? 150? 200?
In a moment we are attached to children's games, posters for advertising, crumbling walls and even fountains. Funny, yes, funny, and edited the organization, with block map (many, impossible to try them all in two hours), T-shirt, with accurate information ..
Maybe it's a bit 'dispersive, but deep down you want, better order? But please remember ... From the poster of four and a half meters, the launch window to the wrong, the comeback of the gas pipe, the launch impossible on the corner where I left a pound of loose skin with your fingers in the holes of the bricks.
Three areas, many steps, bell'entusiasmo general. In the streets of Turin with the crash, who would have thought?
The final is the meeting point, the aggregation of this pulsatile mass, and although I see it I just put my hands in my hair (aaaarrggghhh.. A plate!) We have the smiling Anita Manachini that the first patch, bringing home the first victory for a SBC with a woman. Finally a bit 'of real power to women! Emma Goldman would be happy.

All hail, SBC ended the evening at the pub, while I got on the gossip and the toll road with toll increases and closer to the face of the taxpayer, and we return to our mountains, so the two and a half in front of a beer feel that is beautiful to recover the city, although the city is not ours, we do not live, rough mountain that we are, and despite the bare rocks are hard and maybe happier this is a good time, there is a real movement, together with two scalar written on walls with subversive, hoping that our ego does not create additional hierarchies, even within our space dedicated to the fun.
The beauty was to be there, all equal in front of a wall, shouting slogans-even if not a bit 'I would have liked-but only incitement, and then try to throw, all with a lowest common denominator of a fable, climbing.
which by definition is an anarchist, and the rules to choose how want.


Thursday, May 4, 2006

How Can I Get An Id In London Ontario

Powder and torn pages - Tale

Seicento least equal to two hundred and fifty three hundred and fifty. Three hundred and fifty divided by thirty is a little less than twelve euro per day. Pulling the belt I can do.

This was the first thought that struck me when I set foot in the house. Of course I would have to pay attention to the controllers on the bus, but if I had stolen another forty-five euro monthly subscription I would have been something like three hundred and five, then two meals a day with ten euro.

The finding that work in one of the most popular cocktail bars in the city, underpaid enough but did not sufficiently secure and stable price. The returned my dignity as a man, be unique, one and indivisible, with eye to horizon.

I escaped from an even greater city, big enough to seem endless if not when everybody wants it to end, those first days of August when everybody is going to travel but it does not matter where we go away, the city where I ran thousands of times with the only smile that I wanted next. Shaking while driving the only hand that I never wanted to tighten. The woman who I could never, ever forget.

For how many nights I wished to think she was still alive, and tried to imagine the eyes and long eyelashes that blacks see the world through the innocence of an infant, forget all the past, forget me, for some absurd evil spell, or simply a sadistic game of fate. Any spell better than a cold gravestone in a cemetery, a tombstone on which we do not even have the courage to cry, sigh and throw insults at the sky, so for every day of my life. And I
out of that damn black gate, opening hours from eight to nineteen, every day including Sundays, no vacation in the realm of the dead.

What had died in her company was love, so that within me there would be room for more laughter and emotion, to wink and nights in the loincloth. Not without she went away forever, greeting me kindly and with that damn bastard shadow that accompanies the dying. And we see only in our memories, after the disappearance.

celebrated the funeral of my capacity to love a woman, the ceremony of farewell to the illusion, a final farewell to the great big city, but too small for my sadness.

And I found myself in a city much smaller, but effective empty hand to heal my wounds, at least those which are essential to talk with others, with the city center too expensive to be able to live, that city with those places so trendy old and new at the same time, live history merges with a deep look to a future full and inevitable.

That city where she was too far to exist, and I too busy to eat twice a day with less than twelve euro, the evening waxed to look like the last of those who work only to be at the center, the center a center of nightlife that does not have.

In the old house, sometimes more than forty-five minutes and two buses from my desk, by the shaker, the console that shoots deep house with the sole mission to obscure the meaning of free minds and in the evenings when you must, you must have fun.

I lived on the first floor, amid gardens and new houses, shooting in a house built by farmers even when it was thought that the city never could have had a periphery, much less a belt. An anomalous house, a small, low, with a ground floor used as a large storage of objects not mine. In stock. A trash can. This is what I thought before the day when I found the books.

Books, books about books about books about books, authors and dozens of miles of dust, evidence of a past life, past, browsed in the winter evenings. I was stunned by so much culture. I had decided not to study very soon, absorbed in the lives of those who just do not want to have a house, a house to stand still for hours to read.

now so, no doubt ask, I was to have a well-stocked library, filled with dust and torn pages, even if the yellow card would have never changed a comma of the contents of those boxes of magic. And then dinner
jump to read, immersed in the abstraction of the mites, building my language and my mind, to work evenings interpreted with disgust of the masters of the beat generation, washed down with a bloody will to live, and watering down my windy impasse with enthusiasm of those who suffered, in which the death has visited in the past to settle the bill with the feelings.

I saw her at every step, smiling and gracious living, but more and more by reading in the dark of disillusionment that can provide only Schopenhauer, or the shadow lying on the heart at which a participatory reading of Montale can not but lead, leading by the hand of the Ligurian sea.

I realized that my predecessor had mysterious revolutionary tastes, so I immersed, closed the account with the daily counter, in a conscious reading of Capital and the works of Marx commented, for a few hours after waking up with the poems of Garcia Lorca and Rafael Alberti, and spent hours to imagine running from hideout to hideout, spreading words of freedom and revolution. I could even feel a part of a movement, as well as the soul and the librarian of an uprising near future, over the ruins of a world already worn out.

And he, the tenant, who fled in a hurry from the house, the house where he cultivated his subversive roots, the house in which he progressively cut the threads that bound him to the authorities, to others and to God himself. Poetry, prose, plays, political essays, guides to tourist guides. Divided all in separate piles, alternating hand in my novels, poetry anthologies and essays, and feeling myself grow in courage. Courage to face life with boldness of Rimbaud, with the extravagance of Oscar Wilde, I own that I was always posing as the backbone of pain, of course, after the death of her.
The anguish of having open to love, and found at risk of death became a dream of a midsummer night.

As long as I did not do more, and with luck that a late spring afternoon I know I say give the elderly mother of the owner who had lived in that house in the past. Who was the conspirator, the last free man, the poet co-author of my life. And I had a name.
I had a name, an address and soon. He had then given to the bush, the master ...

anxiety to know, to have a guide. The know exactly who we are nothing but a test can lead beyond the knowable, in no man's land that is freedom. The stack of novels was certainly the most high, a tower of Babel of creativity and knowledge that bordered on the feet. I had divide into two, and soon the pile of half read books surpassed that of my future pages. The stack of travel guides, yes, she remained the most dusty.
One night it took me a couple of hours to replace an essay by the thought of St. Augustine. I find him an order. With tape recovered a life of its own, and I sucked drop by drop. Read

much you change. Catapult you in real life so prosaic, until everything becomes a story of the episode. The argument for an engaged couple at the pub, a fight between drug dealers in the eighteenth century of a square. A strange subject that speaks loudly on the bus alone. My story, the story of my loss became the highlight piece of a book of memoirs. The lights of the city were a fresco on a tour guide, or description of a sudden a prisoner in exile. All told, incidentally, focusing on details, black letters on a sheet immaculate. Emphasized, because the reality goes hand in hand with boredom. The extent of my heartbeat.

Up to the paragraph in which the story reveals its connotations, it was raining and I had just before the black gate of a house. I decided not to enter, but nothing prevented me from spying in the bushes. My teacher was there, as the scene of a show that has nothing to do with his life, in which the good father pushes one of his two children on the swing, then again, responds to cell phones, contracted and boldly takes a sheet from his black Mercedes. There was nothing of socialist literature, novels beats, and conscious of the impending revolution. Only dust, dust in my hands.

was a drama. Not having a teacher is a drama. No longer with me the master. Alone, alone again, in an old house. The last act of a tragedy. Before you actually understand that a teacher is nothing but the materialization of the ghost of one who has conquered our fears. And when we find ourselves faced with death, then you are giving up everything, and between start to end and there is no difference. And although the My mentor was a bank manager, in fact I represent freedom, not having anything and not expect anything, and who I spoke to satisfy the transport of that from which he could never ignore. I came to think that everyone adored her chains and I accidentally unleashed, acted as a bulwark of the island without involuntary authority.

I took with me yards and yards of books, pages and yellowish powder can detonate dormant brain slices from doping slow and relentless work of daily survival, and stopped to escape. Shaken cocktails under lights glossy, intense and freshly empty, until I shouted him with false lights, and it was a bite that squeezed the stomach and intestines tore a rift in the nerve center of my heart.

She was not dead, but his was a tragic act of choice: she had left me with a strange destiny, spitting behind her, in the only direction in which I could follow her, an icy river, consisting of un'impercorribile indifference, leaving me naked, in the heart and soul, exposed to the elements of the nightmarish world. To run away with another man. And I just, I could not help but think she died in the land that would have consumed slowly and without any break, over the centuries and millennia.

But that day a new sun was shining, as composed of chemical lights and loud music, with a living heart of pages and pages of stories, thoughts, deductions, stacked in my basement and in my temporal lobe. To me a real life, well-polished, transparent. As the eyes of her who were met mine, a few meters, when protected from the counter and left that this an unlikely future I light up and they managed to saziarmi.

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Where Is Nadine Jansen

Interview with Rocco, my dog. Free topic, in a bright March afternoon. Part 2

P-Exactly. What do you think, not the victim of an animal slaughtered, the choice not to eat animals?
R-Well, first there are a thousand different types of slaughter. Leaving a dog in the street after he has lived all his life with humans is to let the slaughter, For example, phagocytosis by a society of 'disposable'.
To be more specific in your question, in fact, every choice dictated by the love and good hearts of people is a choice to be admired. If you humans can live happily without meat, so how can we, dogs, and you can choose not to eat meat, because eating them then? I personally still do not understand the difference between animal "edible" and not part of a cultural heritage, different in every society, but if anyone wants to see something in this then drop in absolute error, classification, form hierarchies, falls in anthropocentric model of which we talked about before, that man at the center and everything else that revolves around: we naturally gravitate to the dogs that orbit very close, so-called beasts of slaughter a bit 'more distant, more distant insects ..
By this I understand a human being who hunt to survive, who hunt to feed himself and his family, but your society is so complex that such simple models no longer exist. It 's time that we understand the equality of all animals, equality between us animals and the animal man, between man and every single thing on earth. I think this may be changing.
I'm hungry, among other things, and I think that after this interview an automatic right to me at least a biscuit ..

-P That's for sure. But I ask you be patient. Touch the last big argument: do you believe in God?
R-waiting for something. With all due respect to you men, I do not understand what you mean by the word God but threw out a few assumptions.
is not enough perhaps this wonderful world, but also the small things every day, and the loving, and simple with this term I mean truly appreciate every detail of the world, rejoice and be happy? Perhaps none of this would be a good God? Be careful not to be the work of a good God, but actually be something that can call itself God?
I think the idea of \u200b\u200bGod as something higher than man himself is a child and all of the model that I have criticized before, and I take again for the umpteenth time: the man at the center, everything else around him, in strict hierarchy. But the man soon realizes that it is not omnipotent, that has as many resources can not everything, and then used to classify, precisely to prioritize, create something on him, but something that has no limits, something to adore and to fear. Instead of trying to make everything equal, urging the importance of creating stairs and ladders. Not only
. The man creates everything, you create a complex world around him, a world with more and more things. It's not just him, man, but also because it has a name, a job, a social position, a nice house, a car power. We dogs have nothing, nothing but ourselves, or we can not just have the love of those around us, and we give without expecting anything in return. But in reality what you really own men, what have you that you can not ever lose yourself if you do not?
What I mean is that the more things you have, the more I would like to carry with you after death. And I do not speak only of material goods. Act in a certain way, even socially constructive, for many men is a duty to acquire a privileged position even after his death, not simply the best way to act to ensure that the highest possible number of beings can experience a happy life already here, already in the present.
The act providing for a lifetime, acting to achieve something in this life leads us to believe that this is the attitude with regard to the death of one who stands above even death itself, which gives its name Such conduct of God is just a typical expression of greed, a typically human.

P-Greed, yes, another big issue to talk about. R-
This problem typically human, of course, we eat when hungry, eager for food, how nice to eat! But once I'm done I'm happy, I want nothing. But ye loaded, loaded with things around you, with what results then? Fear, hatred, frustration ..

P-So you think you are saying you do not believe in a creator? Or something after death?
R-No, I would say that the need to even look for a creator is typically human.
Why should I make the difference between creation and creator? Why? Can not be the same? All this can not simply just exist? It is already so wonderful? That whatever may happen after death. At the bottom everything has a beginning and an end, and the man does not seem to accept. You just see the difference in accepting the pain of a man and a dog. A dog is suffering silently in a corner, accepts suffering as a natural condition, inevitable, and also accepts the order without raising his voice.

P-this is very interesting idea. One last thing about the speech religion: many of your ideas are close to some Buddhist ideas, I emphasize to the person who loves to study and groped to practice Buddhism. As you may not know some Buddhist schools maintain the possibility of reincarnation after death, and also the transition between species, is reincarnated as a dog man and vice versa. Do you like how your mind?
R (wagging) - Well, now a bit 'hunger and reflect on these complex subjects I know a little' difficult. I also think, wondering why now? Maybe yes, something we will be preserved after death, and comes back to life .. Maybe just something .. The fact is that if I were reincarnated man I'd like to keep some of the dog that are ..
The fact is that the basis of this idea there is always a concept of absolute time: we are born, we die, we reincarnate, re-die, and while the weather continues to go from a beginning to an end. As I mentioned this incredible need of a beginning and an end and the fear associated with the same end, it is typically human. And if the idea dying trascendessimo time? If there were more than a before and an after, a beginning and an end?
I leave you with this question.

P-Have you been too patient and kind, now is the time to snack.
(and gallops to his bowl)
